
716 21 0

Female Werewolf x Male Reader

I've heard a lot of stories about this town, and by a lot you mean an absolute shit ton. I've heard so many rumors and stories about the place it was hard to tell what was real and what was all just fiction. For a while, I thought it was a fairy tale passed around to all weres. Yet, here I am, standing at the sign reading 'Hearthway Hollow' and it reeks of my kind.

I grew up in the woods, my family had been feral for many generations. I was homeschooled and traveled a lot. I only dealt with humans when it was absolutely necessary. This place was culture shock to my system. Humans and weres walking around, often hand in hand. As someone who came from pure were stock, never mingling with humans, it had never occured to me this side by side thing could even happen.

I wouldn't have to get used to it though. I was only going to be here for a short time until i had to move on again. I knew I would have to take things up with the leaders of this town. It was a big deal apparently. There were a lot of hoops to jump through if you wanted into this pack. Not that I wanted in, just a pass for a month of so, enough time to earn some cash.

"You're new," a gruff voice catches me off guard.

I turn, looking up at a guy twice my height and three times my size. I'm unsure if he's shifted or not, he's hairy enough. He looks down at me, thick brow perched on his forehead. My eyes dart over him and I nod.

"Yeah, I am," I finally answer. "What's it to you?"

His lip curls over his teeth in a snarled smirk. "Names Billy," he holds out his meaty hand and I take it. His shake feels like it could rip your arm of the socket. "Tell me, what brings you here, new blood?"

"Anna," I correct him, not wanting to be called anything like that. "Work," I answer with a shrug. I rub my arm he nearly ripped off. "I was told this place was hospitable. I just need somewhere cheap to stay and a temporary job."

"Temporary usually doesn't work here," Billy wags his hand side to side. "Believe me, I've seen enough people passing through and never leaving."

I frown, crossing my arms against my chest. "I have no ties here, I promise you won't get used to the sight of me."

He laughs, "well, temporary or not, you need to meet with the pack leaders."

"And how do I do that?" I ask.

Billy just smirks again and thrusts a broom into my hand. "Sweep the sidewalk," he growls. "And when you're done with that, come inside and get the things to the wash the windows."

"Wait," I stare at the broom in my hands in disbelief.

"I'll keep you busy until closing," he says as I follow him into the hardware store. He walks behind a counter and dips down, picking up an old rotary phone hanging on the wall.

"I still don't know what you mean," I snap at him.

He glares at me, his eyes are a vivid yellow for a flash of a second, the whites going pitch black. "I'm an elder in the pack, so play nice with me and you might get your temporary wish."

I shut my mouth and do as Billy tells me for the rest of the day. I sweep, clean, mop, polish, whatever small job he asks. At the end of the day he hands me some money and then has me follow him out the back door. We walk through the woods until we come to a stone altar. The stones are moved into a big circle and there are two columns every five feet. In the center there is a massive bonefire and behind it a stone throne carved in the mountain side.

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