Vampire Bat: Another One

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Male Monster x Female Reader

You've been wanting to climb up to the caves for ages. It has been one of those things you could easily do but always seems to never happen. You see them every time you travel home. The great gaping mouths that ooze darkness even in the daylight. You wanted to explore and take pictures as you roam about.

Finally, one day you make your way up to the rocky ledges that lead up to the caves. You're angry and you know this may not be the best time for you to do this. You got into a fight with your boyfriend. You've been fighting a lot lately. He's been accusing you of cheating and that you don't support him. All you do is support him. You've put aside your dreams in order to help him find his. You finally had enough and told him to fuck off. You packed up what you could and headed back home. As you drove through, you stopped at the cliffs. You pulled out your camera and headed up.

You stumble and slip a few times, but you make it to the entrance. You stare inside, realizing it is so much more massive than you thought. You swallow, stepping inside it's already cooler. You lift your camera, aiming and taking your first shot. Electricity floods through you and you break into a big grin. You haven't felt this excited in such a long time.

You wander deeper inside, turning on your lantern. You snap photos in the dark and with each new photo, you grow more and more excited. You feel as if you've been starved and now you're feasting. You're able to let loose your passion for the first time since you started caving into that asshole of an ex. Each snapshot another realization that you don't miss him. That you don't love him. That you're better off than ever before.

You wipe a tear from your eye and take a step back, gazing up at the ceiling of the cave. It's so dark and far up it looks like it fades into the night sky.

"Amazing," you sigh. You lift your camera and take a snapshot. That's when you see something. In the instant of the flash, you captured a shape. It wasn't rocking. It looked alive. You scroll through your photos, coming to the last one and you see it. Something black amongst the red and orange stone. It's blurred, but you can make out something of a face.

, "The fuck-" you gaze back up into the shadows. You raise the camera and take another photo. It flashes and the creature above screams. You scream and you turn to run. You trip and you wail in pain. Your leg and head are throbbing. You look up as your vision fades to a pinpoint. The lantern rolls out before you and something drops right in front of you. You whimper and close your eyes, fading fast.

When you wake up you feel something at your forehead. It doesn't hurt but it does feel strange. You grunt and reach up, swatting it away. You hit something solid and you snap to attention. You look up, seeing the creature from before. It's holding you in its arms and you realize it was licking the cut on your head.

"The fuck-" you gasp.

It licks your cheek. Their tongue long and bright pink. "Don't move," it replies. "You hit your head."

"What?' You try to push it back, your hand planting in its soft fur. "Who are you? What's happening?"

"You scared me and then you fell," it replied.

"I scared you?" You scoff.

He licks your cut again. "That...light thing," he points to your camera which he has set far from your reach on a rock. "It hurt my eyes."

"Oh," you gasp. The creature only screamed because the flash was directly in its sensitive eyes. "Sorry."

"It's ok," he nuzzles to your cheek. "You fed me, so I'm ok with it."

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