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Female Reader x Male Monster

My sister is moving for a new job, so she invited me to go with her. I jumped at the chance, and would jump at any chance for a fresh start. When I found out where we were going, I was a bit surprised - Ava got a job at a funeral home in a town called Hearthway Hollow, a mountain town surrounded by a national forest and nature reserve.

For the time being, Ava and I are renting an apartment, which was fine. The place is big enough, even if we have to share a bathroom, and close to downtown so Ava can easily bike to work, and I can walk as I look for a new job. Even if I did live in a house before this, the apartment feels so much bigger, less confining.

"I may not be able to answer my cell phone, but if you need anything, here's the number for the funeral home where I'll be working." Ava puts it on the fridge under a hot dog magnet.

"I'm fine. I'm not a toddler," I chuckle. "I plan on doing some cleaning in my room today, then maybe going out and seeing the town a bit."

"I know. I'm just being cautious." Ava gives me a worried look. "And don't worry about making me anything for dinner. Take care of yourself and have a little fun today."

Twisting my hair around my finger, I watch Ava pack her lunch. I'm struggling with telling her what I really want to do, but that's silly. It's Ava. I don't need to worry about telling her a thing. "I was kind of hoping to see if anywhere was hiring."

She turns around and gives me a smile. "That'd be great! I know you've been excited about that."

Relief washes through me, and I return her smile. "Hopefully I can find something. I know my resume isn't up-to-date, so I have to figure out a way to spin it."

"You have a great education, and you were working at a pretty prestigious store. This place still has a tool shop, so there must be a jeweler's somewhere, too." Ava checks the clock. "Oh, boy, I have to go. Wish me luck!"

"You'll do fine! Have a good day." I give her a hug before she darts out the door, then turn around to look at the empty apartment. There are still boxes to be unpacked, and the furniture is sparse. But for the first time in a long while, I don't hate the place where I'm living. I can happily call this home.

For a while I work in my room, cleaning the baseboards and windows and contemplating setting up my bed. I've been sleeping on my mattress and box spring while my bed frame remains in the box. Our parents bought Ava and I new beds for the big move, but neither of us are really handy with furniture. We looked at the instructions and then procrastinated by doing other things around the new apartment. Today, I at least have all the parts laid out. Then I realize the tool box Ava has is nothing more than a hammer, two butter knives, and an ancient can of WD-40. Needless to say, this is not what you need to put furniture together. So I get myself ready and head out into the world.

Down the street from the apartment building there's a string of small stores - a tool store, a florist, a cafe and bakery, and a few other quaint little places. The whole thing looks like a painting, but nothing feels old or stagnant. There's something about Hearthway Hollow that just makes it feel comfortable.

I go into the tool store, which smells like a jar of old pennies and cedar chips. I feel a bit lost. I know what I need, but I have no clue where to begin. There's a girl at the counter, but I don't want to bother her. I feel silly asking for help. I quietly amble down an aisle, looking up at a wall of screws and nails and bolts. I quickly move away from this confusing wall of metal bits, and at the end of the aisle I see a display of hand saws. Maybe I need one of those? I pick one up and am surprised by how heavy it is. In cartoons they always seem to be like paper.

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