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Male Werewolf x Male Reader

When your friend called, you weren't sure about leaving your nice job in the city. You had regular clientele who depended on you, and the pay was good. Then again, your clientele were also spoiled housewives with too much time and money. And the pay was negligible to the free room and board your friend was also offering. So, you decided to pack up and leave the city for a while.

Your friend owned a beauty salon in the town of Hearthway Hollow, one of their regulars just quit, so they were scrambling to find someone. They contacted you, offering you a place to stay as well as groceries for the month. Your research into Hearthway Hollow showed a beautiful town full of life, culture, and serenity, all crammed into the woods. This would be a vacation for you, even if you were working. You figured you could also have yourself a lovely mini romance while you stayed. Have some fun, earn some money, and then head back to the city.

The town was beautiful, as you drove through it, you were amazed by the size of it. On the website, it seemed rather small. There was also that bizarre website you came across that said Hearthway Hollow was a cult were people got brainwashed to worship an Ahdahm. the wolf gold. They were also a website that said there was a living scarecrow somewhere and a demon living in an apartment building.

You meet your friend, and they show you to the property they're letting you have while you stay. "Are you still vegetarian?" They ask you.

You nod. "That's right."

"Wish I could do that," they laugh. "I'll go grocery shopping then while you get settled. Anything, in particular, you would like?"

You hand them a list, knowing already they'd be lost as to what to get you and you would end up with nothing but vegetables.

"Thanks, man," they say as they leave.

You start unpacking and getting everything settled. Your bedroom has a wall that's entirely glass, and it looks out over the forest. It's a beautiful sight, all the green, and lush nature just beyond your door.

After your friend brings the groceries by and helps you put them away, they take you out to the local bar, The Silver Bullet. You notice the good-looking bartender right away, but your friend assures you he is taken.

"Too bad," you sigh. "He's one of the best looking people I've ever seen."

"Oh, just wait," your friend laughs. "There's a lot of good-looking people in Hearthway Hollow. All of them have good hair too."

"Have you got me any appointments set up?" You ask.

"You really want to talk business in a bar?" They laugh. "Ok," they shrug. "I have you some appointments set up. But you still have a few days to get acclimated into the town. No rush to start."

"I actually wouldn't mind that," you reply.

"Enjoy the town for a bit before everyone starts scrambling to get you to cut their hair," he laughs.

"What makes you think they'll be scrambling?" You smirk,

"You're a good looking guy yourself. Tall, nice eyes, good hands, once word gets out, you'll have people fighting for your attention."

You smirk and stare off through the crowd. He had a point, it seemed like everyone had good hair. As you're crowd watching someone comes up and sits beside you.

"What're you drinking?" he asks.

You glance over at him, he's a big guy. You thought you were tall, but this guy looks like he could dwarf you easily. He's hairy too, thick, dark curls poke from the collar of his shirt and down his arms. His skin is deep olive, and he has the thickest, beautiful eyelashes you've ever seen. They're so thick it looks like he's wearing eyeliner.

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