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Male Naga x Female Reader

When you were young and your home was becoming too hard to live in you would run away, going to the river deep in the woods where you father was too afraid to go. You'd sit on the ban and throw flowers into the stream, sniffling and whimpering as you tried to convince yourself it wasn't ok to cry now.

As you tossed the flowers into the water one rose up, cupped in a palm of dark skin. He smiled at you, his eyes gentle as he placed the flower in your hair. You notice sharp fangs in his smile, but you've seen a smile more terrifying than his. You saw no danger like you had seen before. He tells you it's alright to cry, stroking your hair and comforting you. He promises you to always be at the river when you needed him, no matter what.

You continue to visit the river, always greeted by your new, strange friend. His slitted eyes always peering up out of the river as you run to the bank. He always places a flower in your hair and holds your hands as you tell him why you've run away again. You don't think he is listening to you, but it is nice to have someone to talk to anyway.

He teaches you how to swim during the summer, and he even builds you a shelter for when it rains. He takes care of you more than even the people in your home. You know he is strange, his long body slithering through the water would scare some but not you. You know what's really frightening.

He tells you one day that it is too cold, he says he wants to see you still but know you cannot follow him. You cry, harder than you ever have before. He holds you tight and pets your back lovingly, kissing away your tears before you two finally say your goodbyes.

Even though winter comes you go back to the river, hoping to find him waiting for you like always. But like all good things in life, he's gone. You begin to stop visiting the river, slowly forgetting, forcing yourself to believe you had dreamed the whole thing up.

As time goes on and you grow up, you find new places to hide, new ways to escape. You run away but are always dragged back. You have forced yourself to forget the woods are a safe haven away from your father and your family. You would rather forget than face disappointment again.

One day you have no choice but to run, leaving barefoot and screaming in the rain. You hear him shouting after you and you sprint harder, forgetting the pain in your feet as you dash into the forest. You're tired and hungry, but you somehow find the strength to run as hard as you can.

You fall into the river and scramble to get to your feet. You're wrenched back by your arm, dragged to the bank as both of you scream and yell. Suddenly the water behind you erupts, something lunges from the river and grabs him, pulling him screaming and crying into a thick, tight coil that wraps around him, squeezing so tight he can no longer scream.

You're sobbing and trying to claw your way back to shore. You then feel it, a gentle hand petting your hair. You look back, meeting those eyes you had convinced yourself were merely imaginary.

"You're safe now, I always promised you that," he wiped the rain and tears from your cheek and touches the bruise there. "He's gone now, he won't hurt you anymore."

"I thought you were a dream," you whimper as he puts his arms around you, lifting you from the cold and the mud. "I've been waiting for you."

You fall asleep in his arms, feeling safe for the first time in you can't remember when. He cradles you against his chest, keeping you out of the water as the rain stops.

When you wake up you feel warm and comfortable. You snuggle into the bed and keep your eyes closed, afraid to open them and ruin the dream. You feel a soft kiss on your cheek and then sharp fingers running through your hair.

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