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You've always been kind of a tall guy, standing head and shoulders over your peers even when you were in grade school. You'd never harm a fly, and to be honest you had been kind of a crybaby. But because of how you looked most people assumed you were a brute or even a werewolf. The truth was you were neither of those things. You were just a normal guy.

You worked for you dad building houses and you had to make a run for supplies to Big Billy's hardware store. You're ordering with Anna at the front desk when a girl walks in. She's tiny and she looks a little distraught and lost. You figure she must be a kid who has been separated from her parents.

She walks up to the front desk and you reach out, touching the top of her head. "Hey, it's ok. If you're lost I can help you find you family."

Her look of distress melts into one of absolute shock and horror and into a rabid look of wild anger. You pull my hand back as Anna starts losing her shit laughing. The girl glares at you with her mouth hung open. She then snaps her head towards Anna.

"Shut the fuck up, Anna!" She roars.

"I can't!" Anna wheezes as she doubles over the desk.

"Well, you better," Billy snarls as he comes up and clamps his monster sized hand over Anna's head.

The girl you've possibly humiliated scoffs. "Thanks, Dad," she grumbles under her breath.

It then clicks. Looking at this girl you see it. She has the same hair color and thick eyebrows as Billy and the same dark, vicious eyes. You knew her sister, Ellie, but you had never met her little sister. She was a very smart kid, often went away to special schools and studies, had even gotten into college when she was fifteen, well she'd have to be in her twenties by now. The girl was a legend around Hearthway Hollow but you had never met her once in all you time dealing with Big Billy.

"When did you get back in, babe?" Billy asks as he releases Anna and comes out from behind the desk to greet his daughter.

It's shocking to think any of Billy's offspring would even come out of the womb pint-sized. The fact his youngest daughter must be five feet tall, at most, was shocking.

"Just now, I had the worst bus ride of my life," she grunts as she hugs her father.

You continue to stand in abject horror, waiting for the hammer to fall. If this girl was Billy's daughter then she has a means in her, and despite her small frame, some major muscle to rip you to shreds and pound those shreds into dust.

"You remember my Kamilla don't you?" Billy asks you, the proudest grin on his face.

"Uh," you gasp, scrambling enough as it was.

"Of course not, Dad, he just asked if I was a lost child." She glares up at her, her eyes as sharp and terrifying as Billy's. "I wanna see my niece, where the hell is she?"

"Ellie has her today, she had a doctor's appointment this morning. They're probably napping right now, Kami."

"Well," Kami grunts. "Maybe I should go scare Jack then." She pops her neck.

"Do that then," Billy says with a nod.

Kami then cuts her eyes at you, her long dark hair is tied in a messy ponytail that falls off her shoulder. She huffs and turns away, walking out the way she came.

You unclench, feeling as if you've survived the lion's den.

Anna snorts. "I can't believe you did that."

"Can I have my supplies please?" You snap at her.

She hefts a box onto the countertop. "The big stuff will be delivered to the site tomorrow, so make sure someone will be there."

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