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Four years ago, I met someone. It felt like love at first sight. I saw him, he saw me and we just clicked. The heat and the passion were instant. We were making loves in the woods under the full moon in no time. And it was good. He shifted, turning into a werewolf as he took me. I'm a witch who has practiced magic her whole life, but that one night, that one night was the most magical thing I've ever experienced.

For a week we made love, cuddled, dated, and the whole shebang. Mainly we made love, but there was so much more to it. I knew our souls were joined from the moment we met. It was as if we had been starving for one another all this time. Yet, after a week, I woke up one morning to find him gone. I was so angry and heartbroken I felt as if my will had left my body.

It wasn't until a month later when I realized he hadn't left everything. In fact, he had left something behind and she was growing fast and strong inside me. I put my focus on her and making sure she would be born happy, healthy and loved. She came out looking very much like her father. She has his eyes and his thick curly hair. She screams like the world is going to end but I assure her it won't. I name her Ari after her father, a sort of spell to connect them.

I decided not to do anything about Ari's father. After she was born I was more than happy to devote my life to my witchcraft and her tiny hands. Well, that was the original plan. One evening after her first birthday something happened that made me realize Ari needed to be raised with her own kind and if possible her own father. She shifted, a tiny overly fluffy wolf pup suddenly ran through the raise, yipping and howling as excitedly as she could. She was a werewolf just like her father. I knew I couldn't keep her from her heritage and her birthright. I needed to find a place Ari would be safe and she would know herself better.

An old friend of my mother's knew these sorts of things. She connected me to her sister, Mrs. Locklear, who I talked to for hours one day. The town of Hearthway Hollow was a sanctuary for werewolves and humans alike. It was a place that wanted to foster peace and tranquility between the two. Usually, the town secret wasn't let out, but because of Ari and the circumstances, Mrs. Locklear agreed to set up a meeting between me and the Alpha as well as some of the town elders.

I researched the town and had fallen in love with the place. The brick buildings and old-fashioned charm of the place already felt like it was home. Mrs. Locklear owned a bed and breakfast and had a room for Ari and I reserved. Ari had just turned three as we drove into the town. The weather was still damp and chilly and the coat she was wearing made her look like an overstuffed marshmallow.

"Mama," she says as I get her out of the car seat.

"What is it, love?" I ask.

"Where go?" She asks.

"This town is going to be our new home," I turn her around so she can look out. Her big golden eyes scan over everything. She grins and her little fangs reveal themselves.

"Is pretty here!" She coos.

"Are you my witch and misfit?" A tall older woman with more grace too her than I'd ever had walks out of the building. She has healthy red skin and a long white braid.

"You must be Mrs. Locklear," I reply. "I'm Lace."

She takes my hand and shakes it. "It's so nice to finally meet you in person." She then grins at Ari. "Is this the mighty wolf causing you so much trouble?"

Ari bares her fangs and growls then starts to giggle.

"Ari, say hello," I bounce her.

"Hi!" She giggles and wags her fingers.

"I'm a sucker for pups," Mrs. Locklear sighs. "May I?" She holds her hands out and Ari jumps right into her arms.

"She loves being held," I sigh, following Mrs. Locklear inside.

Hearthway HollowOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz