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Male Werewolf x Female Reader

You moved in with your grandmother to help take care of her and her business. Not that your grandmother needed any help. She was more spry than you. She woke at dawn, did yoga, and tended to her garden all before you had your coffee. But, she was concerned in her old age and new you needed a stable roof over your head. You had just gotten out of a rather shitty and long term relationship. You didn't have the money to move out so your grandmother suggested you come live with her and make sure she doesn't die in the bathtub.

"Happened to my friend Elsa," she laughed one day. "I don't want to go out like that. I'd prefer to have on panties when they find me dead."

You sigh and shake your head. "Grandma," you start.

"You don't call me that in public," she scolds you. "I'm Mrs. Locklear."

Your grandmother owned and operated a bed and breakfast. It was tedious work and very busy too, but she had hired a crack team so it really ran itself. She just needed you to take care of managing it and the staff while she remained the face.

Her house was nice too and even though she had some nearby neighbors, they were all nice too. Well, it all seemed nice until one day you woke up to head to work and saw a massive, mutilated elk on your neighbors front lawn. You scramble back into your house and start screaming for your grandmother.

"Girl! Girl!" She clamps her hands down on your shoulders. "What is with all the screaming?" She pats your cheek. "I know it's a monday but come on!"

You point outside. "Dead thing!"

"On our lawn?" she gasps excitedly.

You shake your head. "Next door. There's this big, bloody elk and I just-"

"Oh," she frowns and clicks her tongue. "Thought for sure it was for you."

You glare at your grandmother. "Is this some sort of sick joke to you? There's a wild animal out there killing things and just leaving them in a residential area-"

"They aren't wild," she huffs at you. "I mean, some of them are assholes but they aren't wild. Not like they used to be."

You stare at your grandmother and she rolls her eyes. "That's what I get for letting your mom raise you outside the town," she shakes her head and puts her hands to her waist. "You both weren't born with the gene though, so I guess that's grandpa's fault."

"Oh my god!" You raise your arms high into the air. "Grandma, what the absolute fuck are you talking about?"

You clicks her tongue again. "Eh, I guess you should know." She pats your cheek and smiles up at you. "But it's a very long history, baby. You'll be late for work." She then walks away from you.

"I'm going to kill you and I'm going to make it look like you fell in the tub!" You snap after her.

"I don't blame you."

You go back outside, seeing a guy standing on the porch next door, staring at the massive dead elk on his lawn. You sigh and try to ignore it, making your way into town and to the bed and breakfast.

It wasn't your best day at work. You were extremely unfocused. You kept thinking about the dead elk and what your grandmother was saying. Or well, what she wasn't saying. During lunch you went into town to the deli that was also the butcher's shop. You had found they had the best sandwiches in town and they felt like the only comfort you could get right now.

You see the usual butcher isn't in the shop. The one that looked like an angel. This one you had seen only a few times before. He had dark olive skin and gray hair with some black peppered through it. He looks up, smoldering eyes glancing up at you. Your insides lurch for a moment as your heart tries to escape.

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