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Male Human x Male Werewolf Reader

Hearthway Hollow is a strange town, beautiful and great, but strange. You've lived in this town all your life. Your family has been here for generations. Your grandmother had helped in the renovation of the town when Eve has become the Alpha. You are actually the first male born to your family in four generations. In fact, when you had been born, your mother had to return everything she had bought because you coming out a boy had been a surprise. You were also the oldest of four with three younger sisters below you. You had seen two of your sisters go through the courting ritual. It was being questioned why you hadn't done one yourself.

"I haven't met anyone," you reply with a sigh.

Your youngest sister, Mimi glares at you. "No one? Really? There's always someone." Mimi was much younger, she was barely thirteen. You had taken on a more parental role with her than your other sisters. She was more often with you than at your mother's.

"So far no one," you tell her.

"Guy? Girl?" Mimi asks.

"Neither," you then hand her a brown paper bag containing her lunch. "You need to get now. School bus will be here"

Mimi sticks her tongue out. "Whatever." She grouses as you lead her to the door.

As you open the door you notice several bags on the front porch. Mimi gasps and drops down. "What's this?"

"Mimi, stop! That could be-"

"Groceries?" Mimi looks at the canned food in her hands. "Fruit cocktail? Red beans?" she huffs and drops them back into the back. "There's eggs and bread in this one!"

You shoo Mimi away and look over the bags yourself. It was over a week of groceries and other stock up items. Inside one bag you find a note and Mimi is about to bounce out of her shoes she's so excited.

"What does it say! What does it say!" She jumps, trying to grab it from your hands but can't reach.

Inside the card is a drawing of a dead bear. "Sorry I can't hunt. But I hope this will be good enough to start a courtship with you."

Your face begins to burn and Mimi gasps. "What? C'mon what does it say?"

Luckily the school bus pulls up and you're able to shoo her away onto it. You pick up the groceries from the porch and take them inside. After you put the food away you sit down and look at the card again. You wonder if this is another wolf. But why wouldn't they be able to hunt? Was it just a normal human? If so why would they be doing such a thing? You hide the card away, hoping Mimi will never find it.

Work is busy that day, and you're grateful for it. You're able to keep your mind off the strange gift left on your porch. The publishing firm you work for has recently gotten a new boss. He's the son of the owner of the company and was coming back on his father's request. He had left a job with a bigger firm, which was confusing to you and all your coworkers. As such, things were a little busy getting ready for him.

As you were getting ready to take a lunch break you're called to the conference room. A little irritated and grumpy with hunger, you go. Inside though you're pleasantly surprised to find there has been a buffet set up. Several people are already there and meandering around. In the center of the room is a tall, handsome man. He has silver hair and a charming smile. There's a dark mole under his left eye that makes you think he looks like a pinup. Your insides go cold as he turns and smiles directly at you.

"Is this the artist everyone has been telling me about?" His sleeves are rolled up, and he's not wearing a tie.

"Yes," one of your coworkers says. "Don't let the baby face fool you."

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