Harun: Part Two

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Male Werewolf x Female Reader

Several years ago you had moved to a new town in order to help take care of your grandmother. Not long after you started noticing strange things about the peaceful little community. It wasn't exactly something that you could put your finger on at first. In fact, it wasn't until dead animals started appearing on your neighbor's lawn that you had any evidence to your claims.

Your grandmother reassured you that what was going on at the neighbor's house was normal. It was nothing to get flustered about. But when a giant dead, bear was slumped over right outside your bathroom window, it didn't feel normal at all.

Your grandmother finally explained to you that the dead animals were a courtship ritual in the town for the werewolves who protected it. It was like a light was suddenly shined into your eyes. Suddenly, things around the town started making sense. More than that though, you started seeing everyone in the town in a new light. Even people you would never think twice about, like the super nice butcher or the extremely beautiful guy who owned the ice cream parlor. There were people around the town that held a glint in their eyes. A secret they kept from people like you. You finally felt like something exciting was happening in your life.

It wasn't too long after that you became the center of a courtship ritual. Your grandmother was over the moon about it. You felt a bit strange to receive such a gift. Dead animals had never been your favorite thing in the world. But every day the butcher, Adam, would come and with a friend or two pick up the dead animal and later you would receive slabs of neatly packaged meat. Your grandmother went into hyperdrive cooking every time a newer, bigger animal appeared.

After a few weeks of this, you finally met your suitor. He was a massive grey creature. He bore a scar on the left side of his face and he was blind in one eye. He towered above you then lowered down, whimpering like a puppy as he nuzzled to your stomach and chest. He scented you, rubbing his cheeks over every inch of you. His long, black tongue lapped at your face and then he went away. This happened a few more times before the end of the ritual. You accepted, not exactly knowing who he was. All you knew was that you were pulled to him. You felt like a magnet when he was nearby.

The end of the ritual happened when he took you into the woods and fucked you hard over a stone. It wasn't the storybook romance you had been promised as a girl. But it was the best, earth moving, bone-rattling, sex you'd ever had. The next morning you woke up wrapped in the arms of someone you knew. It was one of the butcher's employees. You had also seen him through the window of the Martial Arts studio teaching a group of bubbly kids the basics of karate. He had soft, gray hair peppered with black. The left side of his face still bore faint scars. You've been together ever since.

Every year you see new courtship rituals start and blossom. It always reminds you of your own and the wonderful creature you now love. In fact, as your anniversary nears you feel an urge to plan something special.

He looks at you when you voice your idea and he gives you an apprehensive look before a grin spreads across his handsome face. "I had no idea that was bouncing around in there." He ruffles your hair and nips your earlobe.

"I just wanted to recreate that night," you plant your palms firm on his chest. "I'm seeing all these cute new courtships start and it makes me long for our first few weeks."

He scoffs, "all we did was fuck, babe."

Your cheeks burn and you shrug. "Yeah. Well, I still look back at all that very fondly. Even if you were a bit overeager."

His thick brows arch. "Overeager?" He scoffs.

You smirk and shrug. "You do much better now, dear."

His lip curls. "Thank you, love," he mocks.

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