
874 32 3

Female Reader x Male Monster

I was hoping a trip would be just what we needed - something Del and I could share even through our grief. My husband Michael passed away last year, and I feel it was time that I move on. Del chose the location of our vacation after hearing some of her friends talking about it and I decided driving would be fun. I'd get to show Del tourist traps, fun locations, and introduce her to some very good food. Del was picky like her father used to be, the kind of kid who only atechicken nuggets, andI was out to change that. Being someone who loves food and everything about it, I want to help her grow outside her nugget shell.

The trip down south was going to take us a few days. We were headed to Myrtle Beach, where I had rented a cabin for us to stay in. I hadn't traveled like this since before she was born. Back in the day, Michael and I used to go on little vacations all the time. We even went on one when I was pregnant with Del. Michael and I always hoped that, one day, we'd be able to take Del on vacations with us more often. This was the least I could do to honor Michael and his love of travel.

We make a rest stop in North Carolina. I get gas and take Del to the bathroom, and we get some drinks and a couple of snacks for the road. As we're leaving, Del was looks over the brochures for tourist attractions by the door.

She gasps dramatically and loudly. "Mama! Mama!" She yanks a brochure from the stand, making all the rest shoot out of the cubby.

"Del! Baby!" I huff as I kneel down to pick them all up. "You have to be careful!" I start stuffing them all back into the cubby while Del clutches hers preciously.

"But, Mama!" She prances excitedly as she holds it out to me.

I sigh and take it. "Hearthway Forest Wolf Reserve," I murmur as I look over the pamphlet. "Wolf rehabilitation and study center, located in Hearthway Hollow. Come see the wolves that make Hearthway Hollow the treasure of the mountains. Donations help in the rehabilitation of the endangered wolves of the area."

"I can pet a wolf, Mama!" Del bounces excitedly.

I turn to the cashier at the register. "This Hearthway Hollow, is it close by?"

"Oh, yeah," she says with a cheery smile. "You just follow Locklear Road, and the signs will direct you the rest of the way."

"What's it like?" I ask cautiously.

"It is amazing!" The cashier gushes. "I go to the local college there, and I plan on moving into town soon."

I think for a long moment. "Any good restaurants? Places to stay?"

"Oh there's tons of good places to eat. I would check out Guillermo's, it's my favorite place to go. My friends and I go there to celebrate after tests and junk." She then smiles down at Del. "There's a killer park there too, she'll love it. If you're looking for a place to stay overnight, just go to Big Billy's Hardware."

I furrow my brow. "A hardware store?"

"It's the heart of the town! Big Billy looks scary, but don't worry, he's a sucker for cute kids. Take your daughter in there, and he'll find you a four-star place to stay dirt cheap," she laughs.

I think for another long moment while I pay. As I get Del into her car seat, she's still clutching that brochure for the wolf reserve. Wolves have always been her favorite animal, aside from sharks. Her father used to watch nature documentaries with her, and both of them would play wolves on full moons.

"Are we gonna go, Mama?" Del pouts.

I give her the stink eye. "Don't try that with me, young lady."

Del giggles and wriggles in her seat. "So are we going?"

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