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Male Werewolf x Female Reader

Not too long ago, someone started a courtship ritual with you. Your whole family is excited about it, but for some reason all you feel is dread. It feels like there is a heavy stone in your stomach and it won't budge. It's ruining the excitement of the moment and the fact you're actually happy that a werewolf is courting you. But you can't help but feel undeserving.

You're the only member of your family who doesn't shift. Your mother, father, and both your older sisters shift. Instead, you were born with extra worry built on your shoulders. You had always assumed that your sisters would be courted first. So when it came for you, it was a huge shock. But even more surprising was how excited your sisters were for you. At the same time though they were also extremely protective. They always had been of their baby sister.

You worked in the family flower shop. It was one of the few things you didn't have to worry about. You loved flowers and you loved arranging them. Not only that but it was next door to the coffee shop. So every day your shop and the coffee shop did trade. Tulips for a cappuccino. Orange blossoms for a muffin.

Recently, the coffee shop's owner's nephew had moved into Hearthway Hollow. He's tall with very tan skin. His hair is firey and his eyes are a deep, dark brown. He often has a serious expression on his face. You're not sure how to read him. But he comes every morning you work, bringing the cinnamon dolce cappuccino you like, trading it for whatever flowers you offered.

The day after the courting ritual started he came in and saw your rather grim expression. "What's wrong?" he asks.

He rarely speaks so his voice is a surprise to you. "Oh, nothing really."

"I heard you were being courted," he starts, sounding unsure and awkward. "How's that?"

You frown and sigh.

"That bad?" His hair seems to droop.

"Oh, no, it's not really," you try to find a smile. "I'm excited about it, really. But I can't help but feel...guilty."

"guilty? " He bristles. "What for?"

You sigh and look down at the flowers you're bundling for him to take back to the cafe. "I'm the only person in my family who doesn't shift. I'm the youngest too. I feel like I'm not worthy of courtship."

He looks a little beaten and down. He sets your coffee on the counter and sighs. "Don't feel guilty because someone cares about you. I see your point but it shouldn't even be a point."

You smile up at him. "Yeah, I guess that's true. Thanks, Kane."

He smiles back at you and takes the flowers. "I know the courtship ritual here is a little strange but try to enjoy it. Not every day somebody gives you your body weight in steak."

You giggle, "true, I guess."

He waves as he leaves, nearly tripping over the welcome mat as he exits the door.

The next day you wake and find another offering on your doorstep. This time the dread seems a little further away. The anxiety about it all feels a little distant. In fact, you're actually enjoying it.

Kane comes in that morning, his serious expression broken when he sees you smiling. "Taking my advice?" He leans across the counter.

You beam at him. "Trying to. My gut still feels like there's a rock in it. But that's kind of every day for me."

He shrugs. "Sorry about that." He sets the coffee on the counter. "Maybe less caffeine would help."

"How horrible to say that." You hand him the flowers for the day.

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