Niclas & Gavril

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Polyamrous Male Werewolf x Male Vampire x Female Reader (features period sex)

For the last few years, you've been having dreams where you're standing on the rocky crags of a mountain. You're looking out over a small village, and you feel someone behind you. Their cold hands grab your wrist and pull you back into a cave. Outside is suddenly night and you hear the long, lone cry of a wolf.

Sometimes the dreams are different, but they always end that way. A wolf howls as someone pulls you into a cave. The dreams are so specific with the surroundings that when you were at a museum, you recognized them from an old photograph. It's uncanny, and you feel slightly on edge, but you know it exactly.

The village is nestled in the Carpathian mountains in Romania. For so long, you've had these dreams that you want to see this place. You've saved up money for the travels and have even picked up extra jobs.

"You remember Niclas?" You mother asks.

"Yeah," you say with surprise. Niclas had been your next door neighbor growing up. He had been something a crybaby and had clung to you. You were the tallest girl in glass and you were used to fighting off your brothers. So little, scrawny Niclas stuck to you like you were his hero.

"Why do you bring him up?" You ask.

Your mother hands you a card. "Turns out, he's become something of a survivalist," she replies. "I saw his mother in the grocery store, and she was bragging about all the expeditions he's been on. Said he's working up to going to Everest."

"Little bitty Niclas?" You scoff in disbelief. "The one who was afraid of cats?"

She nods. "I know! I was just as shocked as you are. She showed me his pictures," your mother fans herself, which in itself is disconcerting. "He has very much grown up. But anyways," she taps the card she handed you. "I told his mom all about your trip you're planning and she said to give him a call."

You frown. "Niclas and I didn't exactly part on good terms, mom," you sigh. "I don't think he'd want to help me."

"Just ask him, for my sake," your mom says. "Going on this trip, it'll be good to have someone around who can, you know, keep you alive?"

You smile at her and nod. "Ok," you murmur. "I'll...try."

You go to your room where you have maps and pictures of the Carpathian mountains hanging on the wall. You look at the card, seeing Niclas' name emboldened on it. He has his email and phone number, as well as his social media accounts.

"Survivalist huh?" You check out his Instagram first, just to see what your mom was talking about. Most of the pictures were of his travels. Campsites, woods, mountains, snow, rivers, one picture was a very close up shot of a pack of wolves. Finally, you come across a picture of him.

"Holy fucking hell," you whisper.

The Niclas you knew was scrawny, with these skinny easily snappable beanpole legs. He was timid and anxious with glasses bigger than his head. This Niclas was tall, hairy, built like a Roman statue, and with arms that could kill bears.

"There's no way," you whisper.

You send a text message, hardly expecting anything back. After all, the two of you didn't exactly have a fond farewell. During your last year of high school, Niclas had confessed his feelings to you. At the time, you were trying to get into your dream school and only saw Niclas as your friend. You turned him down, but things were awkward after that. Niclas grew distant and had even stopped coming to school for a long time.

When you found out you hadn't gotten into your dream school, you were crushed. You went over to Niclas, crying your eyes out. When you told him he looked down at you.

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