Abe & Milo

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Polyamorous Male Werewolves x Female Reader

You live at the edge of the Hearthway Forest, technically still inside Hearthway Hollow, but far enough away from it you're not usually involved with the day to day life. That is how you prefer it.

It has nothing to do with the werewolves at all. In fact, you like the werewolves who do come and visit you. And they're not just from Hearthway Hollow. Sometimes, werewolves from outside will show up at your door. They'll come for a day, eat, sleep, recharge and be on their way. Unlike those inhabitants of Hearthway Hollow, most werewolves don't stay in one place too long.

Recently, a roaming werewolf came to your home in the middle of the night. He was exhausted and bleeding, so you got him patched up and sent him to the guest room. That's how it goes most of the time, you've become known as something of a healer even though that's not all you do. You're also known for your feud with Mrs. Locklear, but that's a story for another day.

The roaming werewolf who came to stay with you slept through the night and through part of the next day. You're used to having people in your home, werewolves, sometimes the driders from the forest over, every so often your friend Asav and his family stay with you during the rainy season. You're actually a little worried when there isn't someone using up your guest room.

You're outside working, gathering up your herbs to prepare them for drying when someone steps out of the woods. It's a resident of Hearthway Hollow and one of your loyal customers.

Abe worked for the Hearthway Hollow newspaper and was prone to horrible migraines. Since my grandmother lived here, he comes at least once a week for the migraine tea I make. He claims it has been the only thing that works without either making him sick in another way or just knocking him unconscious for days.

"Oh good, you're here," he says with a grin.

You sigh. "Where else would I be?" You stand up from the garden and wipe your hands on your apron. "You're in luck, no waiting this week. I already have your bag all made up."

"Aww," Abe huffs. "I do so enjoy our chats."

You smirk at him as you lead him into the house. "Some of us have work they have to do, you know?" You tease him. You take off your muddy apron and toss it by the door.

"I work," Abe laughs. "You just never see it."

"You know I can't read," you smirk at him. You go into the kitchen and grab the paper bag with his special blend inside. You notice though that he's looking towards the guest room, his brow is pinched and there is a severe look behind his glasses that you've rarely ever seen.

"I have a roamer boarding with me," you tell him. "No worries."

"I smell blood," Abe murmurs.

"Because someone stabbed him," you huff. "Are you going to get all protective and possessive every time someone stabbed comes and bleeds up my guest room."

Abe covers his face as he tries not to laugh. "You make it sound so much worse."

"I can handle myself, Abe," you reply. "These roamers usually just need a meal, a bath, and a calm place to sleep before they go off and start their bullshit again."

Abe looks at you. "I just worry," he says. "You take in these roamers and strange people, and I worry."

"I'm used to strange people and roamers. I've been dealing with them since I was born and I will probably be dealing with them until I die." You shove your hand out towards him. "Now pay up, or I'll slap a migraine into you."

Right as Abe is reaching into his pocket, the roamer comes out, yawning loudly, also extremely naked aside from the bandages wrapped around his waist.

"Do you have coffee?" He asks, rubbing his eyes.

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