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I came to Hearthway Hollow a long time ago, about ten years or so I guess. I wasn't exactly the kind of were that belonged in such a nice place like this, I still feel like I don't. I was cast out of my last pack, my pack actually. I had been an Alpha but I let someone I trusted get the upper hand. I was beaten and left for dead, my family and my pride taken from me. I had no dignity left and was willing to die. I thought I had seen an angel at one point but it just turned out to be Adam, the Alpha of Hearthway Hollow. Well, back then he was just a kid, he took me to his mother who was the Alpha at the time. They took me in and saved my life, I can never repay their kindness.

Hearthway Hollow is a strange place to weres who are on the outside of it. Most packs and most weres don't have these customs. I know there are places that have taken their example, and those places are growing. Yet here in Hearthway Hollow the atmosphere is always calm, even where there is some sort of upheaval happening. Big Billy, who I consider a great friend, always seems to be at the epicenter of some drama. His daughter, who helped me open my business, recently gave birth and there was nearly a massive fight at the hospital. Billy's nephew was courted by a werewolf who was a stray, wandering in with no business here, that was a whole to-do.

Ever since I was beaten to a pulp and discarded by my old pack I supposed you could say I was broken. Despite my appearance, I'm one of the more timid members of the pack here. I'm nearly the size of Big Billy, but twice as scarred. The only time I've ever gotten into a fight while here in Hearthway Hollow was when Jack, Big Billy's son-in-law, tried to attack Adam. I swatted him away like a fly and even then I got scared. Needless to say, with my business and demeanor the old women of the town love me. I own a craft shop, mainly focusing on fabric crafts. My biggest seller is my homespun yarn. I also have a small farm where I raise sheep and alpaca. In a town full of weres who hunt to show off to their loved ones having a farm is tricky. Luckily they know better than to take any of my precious flock.

I've never tried to court, to be honest, I've always been afraid to. I was rejected by own own family and as much as you try to heal that leaves scars deeper than the ones left on the flesh. I've loved deeply and it got me nothing but left for dead. Even if I do hold an attraction to someone here in town.

She comes into the store often, at least once a week. She buys my homespun yarn and maybe a few other supplies. I knew my feelings for her the moment she first walked through my doors. Adam was right when he said it would be instant and that you would know deep in your heart it is right. I did, for certain. She's lovely, soft and curvy. She looks like a Renaissance painting, only prettier.

I'm afraid though I scare her whenever she comes in. I go into shock and lock down when I see her. I'm afraid all I do is stare at her, and given how I look I know that can be scary. She still smiles at me and compliments the yarn. My heart wants to explode anytime our hands touch.

"That Shauna is such a sweetheart," one of the knitting club members sighs.

I have a section of the store made up so people can come in and teach sewing or knitting or whatever. Some of the old ladies even like to just sit in the store all day and do their thing. I call them the Knitty Club.

"I hear she's moving," another member sighs.

I feel my whole body go cold.

"Is that right?" The first says.

The second nods. "I heard she got a better job offer in a state over. She said she hadn't considered it because she loves the town so much but she feels maybe a move would be good."

Moving? No. That's can't be! What am I going to do? I don't want her to go. I love her. Oh shit, I've never admitted that before. I guess I can't just sit on my hands anymore and glare at her while she shops. I need to stop letting my cowardice get the best of me. Tonight. I'll start courting her tonight.

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