Colin & Mara

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Polyamorous Female Werewolf x Male Werewolf x Female Reader

Lucky in love has never been something said about you. You have been remarkably unlucky in love all your life. If it weren't for the unwavering support of your family, you'd think you would be entirely loveless.

You've had girlfriends and boyfriends since high school. All of them have found someone else while they were dating you. Usually, this is the person they spend the rest of their lives with. You feel happy for them, but at the same time, you feel like no more than a doormat to someone else's home of happiness.

As such, you've dated rarely. You have the occasional one night stand or heavy petting session, but for the most part, you've concluded that romance is not for you. Instead, you focus on your business. With some help from your parents, you've opened up a toy store. It has always been your dream since you were young. Hearthway Hollow always seemed to have endless businesses and places for grownups, but shops and places for kids and teens was severely lacking.

Your toy store has everything, including a small book section with comics and hard to find things. The first couple of years were extremely hard, but now, as you celebrate your fifth year, you're finally turning a corner. The store is popular, and you feel extremely pleased with your success.

One day an adorable couple comes in. They're around your age. The guy is tall and beefy, thick arms and a slightly protruding belly. He's hairy and has the brightest blue eyes you've ever seen. The girl is absolutely tiny, she's a beanpole with flaming red hair, and every inch of her is covered in freckles. They giggle and flirt all throughout the store. You have so much fun watching them. They play with the toys, and the guy awes over the stuffed animals. The girl then takes out a toy sword and is beating him on the ass as he tries to read books.

"Sorry!" She chirps, her voice is sweet and cute. She sets the sword aside. "We're just having fun! We got carried away."

You smile and wave at them. "Don't worry about it. This is a toy store after all."

"I think you should call the cops on her," the guy says.

She sticks his tongue out at him. "We love your store," she says. "We just moved back to Hearthway Hollow, and we were so excited we stopped moving to come to visit."

"Oh," you gasp. "How long have you been away?"

"About eight years," the guy says. "We both went to college out of state, and we got kind of settled out there."

"My grandma left me her old house, so we decided to come back home." The girl walks up to the counter. She has the prettiest brown eyes, and thick, pretty eyebrows. "I'm Mara," she says.

"Colin," he holds his hand out, and you shake it.

"Nice to meet you," you try to think if you knew them. But if so, they would have been a grade or two below you in school. "And welcome back."

"We're really excited about your store!" Mara says. "We were worried we wouldn't have any fun places when we came back."

"Really?" You chuckle. "I'm just a little toy store."

"We're collectors," Colin says. "Figures, comics, anything like that our house is full of it."

Mara bobs her head. "Once we get unpacked, you'll have to come see it. We want to start hosting game nights too."

You gasp. "I've been trying to get that off the ground myself."

"Maybe we could work together then," Colin grins. "Get something going, start a new tradition down here in the Hollow."

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