Felix the Minotaur

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Male Minotaur x Female Reader

You went camping with a bunch of your friends towards the middle of autumn, right as all the leaves change color and started to fall. It was still warm enough during the days that there was no issue, it was at night when it began to chill. The mornings when you woke up made the cold nights worth it, the crispness of the air and the glowing sun rises made you feel alive.

On a hike, you become separated from your friends. You had gone off the path to find somewhere to relieve yourself, then when you came back you couldn't find them anywhere. You went along the path and found yourself somewhere unfamiliar.

The rocky ledges came close together, forming a hallway like structure. The further you went you came across dead ends and further passages. You felt like you were trapped in a maze. In fact, that was the only way to describe it the longer you remained. You tried to double back and leave the way you came, only you seemed to dig yourself in deeper.

As night came and the air grew cold you knew you had to do something. You tried climbing up the wall, finding it hard to cling to the smooth surface. You try and find rocks to stand upon, yet they aren't that many around you.

As night falls you slip your back down the wall and stare up at the sky, a few tears splash down your cheek and you press your forehead to your knees. You tell yourself that now is not the time to panic, you need to stay calm and continue working to find some way out.

You pick yourself up off the ground and continue trekking through the maze. As you delve further you start finding things along your path. You find an apple, which you're more than happy to eat. Next, you come across a trail nuts and you find no shame in picking them up to eat as well. After a while, you find another apple which you pocket it for later.

You see a glow ahead of you and you run ahead, coming to a fork in your path where there is a torch placed above what looks like a well. You turn the crank on the side, elated to see the bucket full of crystal clear water that you gulp down like air.

You sit down and lean back against the well, your eyes heavy and body exhausted from walking all day. You try to keep your senses but exhaustion soon takes over and you drift to sleep there at the well.

You wake in the morning, your head resting on something soft and you feel warm and comfortable. You slowly rise up and rub your eyes, looking around your surroundings you are no longer at the well. You've woken up in a small tent, wrapped in fur blankets and in a straw stuffed bed.

You get up, wondering if you've been saved or have traveled back in time, both sound like implausible options at this point. You go to the flap of the tent and peek outside, wondering if you'll see someone. All you see is more stone walls and a path that turned very dark.

You step out of the tent and look around. The tent sits in the center of a large circle, to one side you see trees and a small garden, a path next to it, on the other side a deep fountain that pours from a face on the wall, another path beside it. On the other side of the tent, there's a snuffed out campfire with a seat and a small chest near it. You realize you are in the very center of the maze and that you aren't alone here. Someone or something else has brought you here to their home.

You're looking down the path that turns dark and you hear something coming. You duck into the tent and peer out the flap as you see a monstrous figure come out of the shadows. It's tall and broad, mostly nude too. As it comes closer you see it's shape is mostly man, the skin is pure white with some pink along the chest and belly and splotches of gray along the arms and sides. The head takes the shape of a bull, large golden horns protruding from the sides of its skull, glinting as he stepped into the light. A ridge of white hair from the top of its head and down his back, a whip like tail swishing behind it.

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