I take off my hood, and the snow falls away. I pull out my hair as he offers his hand. Delaynie was not what I was expecting in terms of a dance instructor. I suppose I was going on stereotypes and that wasn't nice of me.

Delaynie seemed a little on edge. Something about him wasn't exactly present during the interview. When I talked, I noticed him staring at me as if there was something on my face. This made me feel anxious, and I couldn't help but fidget a lot. After I finished talking, I was second guessing everything in my head. I wanted to tell myself to shut up and just wait for him to speak.

It wasn't until he asked me to play, I felt comfortable again. Playing my music is one of the few things I feel comfortable with about myself. When I play music, it's only me. The music helps me to stop from overthinking and hearing those horrible, clawing voices in the back of my head. The hamster on its wheel stops running for those few minutes.

I look up from playing and, to my shock, I see this big, tough guy has tears in his eyes. I would never have expected someone like him would be moved to tears so easily.

"When can you start?" He asks.

It's hard to explain that rush of mixed emotions that come with being validated like that. Having all those negative thoughts and emotions about yourself being proved utterly wrong. The excitement of winning. The nervousness of starting something new. The absolute joy you're going to be doing what you love for money.

"Really?" I gasp, leaning forward towards him. "No joke?" I feel the stinging rush of tears in my eyes. I know I look stupid when I cry, but everything is coming together so strongly.

"I'm not much of a jokester," he chuckles softly, shrugging his shoulders. "I think you're perfect. I want your music to accompany my dances."

I bow my head to hide my face as I start to cry. "Oh my gosh! Oh-" I hiccup. "Thank you! This is amazing!" I wipe my face with my sleeve, careful not to smudge my mascara any worse than it must already be.

Delaynie has the softest smile on his face, and it makes me feel comforted. "No, thank you," He stands up and holds his hand out. "I can't wait to work with you, Lenore."

I stand quickly and shake his hand in return. "Same here," I gasp. "This is just so amazing! I'm sorry," I flinch. "I keep saying that, I just don't know what else to say!"

Delaynie's smile broadens, and I have to admit to myself that my boss is handsome. "It's quite alright. Say it as much as you want. I'm excited myself." He walks with me to the front door. The girl with dark hair who is at the front desk is watching us from over the top of her magazine.

"This is my niece, Kamilah," he says. "She'll get all the paperwork and necessary stuff ready for you. If you'd like to come in tomorrow, we can get started then."

"Ok," I nod and glance at Kamilah. "What time?"

"Studio opens at noon," Kamilah stands up and walks around. It's hard to believe she's Delaynie's niece since she barely comes up to his chest. "I'll be in around one, so you can come at any time after that."

I nod again and take a deep breath. "Ok, sounds great! Thanks again, this is such a great opportunity. I can't wait to tell my grandmother the good news." I wave goodbye to them and happily trot back out into the falling snow. I run home, so excited about telling grandma the good news that I had forgotten my binder at the dance studio.

We celebrate that night by ordering from our favorite take-out restaurant. Afterward, I go to bed, excited for the next day to come so I could go into my job. I lay down, and as soon as I fall asleep, I start to dream again.

Hearthway Hollowजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें