chapter 26

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Felix pov.

Now it's time for interview and because everyone think we're dating it will be super uncomfortable. I can imagine the questions. I'm on my way there as I was dressed up again.

"Why they always give me such a short skirts." I complained and chan shrugged.

"I don't know but please cover your legs. Some of the fans are really perverted." Chan said and I nodded. I obviously won't just let everyone stare at me. To be honest I'm quite scared. After what happened in our first interview, I declined all the ones that came up.

"This is a first interview in a while but don't worry, I'm sure nothing that happened before will happen again. I told hyunjin to be extra careful." Chan told me and I looked at him in disbelief.

"Why would you tell him. It has nothing to do with him. We don't wanna burden him hyung." I said and chan nodded.

"You think he hasn't noticed you're traumatized from the first interview that you had together. You kept declining all the ones that came up in this month it was like 12 interviews felix. I know you're probably still scared that's why I told him to look out." Chan told me and I'm really annoyed. I know chan wants the best for me but hyunjin will has a hard time all because of me. I don't want him to just look after me like I'm a kid.

You may think that it's so lame to be scared just because he touched my thigh but I really am a sensitive person to these things. After all the things I went through everything is scaring me.

"Lix look, I really don't want anything bad to happen to you that's why I asked him alright? You know I can't stay with you today as I need to be with sungie so please, don't be angry." Chan said after stopped the car. He's right. I just nodded and left. I waved at him and he drove off.

It was the moment when hyunjin's car came up. He walked off and smiled at me.

"Hi baby, can we go inside?" He said and I nodded.

"What do you have with the pet names?" I asked him. I'm not really sure if I asked him already so I probably asked again.

"Figure it out. Also I like to call you by pet names. Or maybe I should call you mine." He said. Everything that he says and does confuses me. Only thing I know is the fact that the pick up line is pretty lame.

We walked inside and the hell started.

I'm really thankful that you don't judge lix being a crossdresser. I think there's nothing weird about it as he only wears it on the set. Also he likes it so let's say he may wear it not on the set as well.
Please eat well and stay safe<3


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