Start from the beginning

Avalon wasted no time trying to open the first door to his right with a key, instead, he looked around and opened it with his wand after making sure there were no muggles around. He hurried the group in and closed the door behind him.

Rose heard herself gasp; the flat was gorgeous. The first thing she was the small sitting room decorated with a glass coffee table in the middle of two black sofas. The kitchen was at her left, it was big, but it was perfect; a white tile isle in the middle and a modern stove pressed to the wall. She couldn't help but be reminded of her house back in Edale, all white, classy, and modern but still oddly historical. 

Rose and Amara walked deeper into the flat, each going into two different doors on separate sides of the wall. The room Rose walked into had a bed, two coffee tables at each sides, a closet and a door Rose presumed lead to the wash room. The room was painted white and the furniture was made of wood, but Rose still thought it was nice, really nice.

The two cousins walked out of the rooms at the side time, both their faces sharing the same shocked expression. They walked into the sitting room to find Avalon and Adrian, both looking slightly nervous, waiting for them to come out.

"How'd you like it?" Adrian asked, his voice seemed to quiver slightly and Rose's mouth turned up. She looked around some more before turning her face to the boys.

"It's amazing!"

"It's ours!" Avalon chirped proudly, but he still looked at his sister's shocked face, waiting for her reaction. "Ames?"

"Mother's going to have your head," Amara whispered, her eyes flying to every single detail in the small flat. "She would never allow this."

"I'm off age," Avalon clapped his hands, walking over to Amara and pressing them to her shoulders. "Mother knows, she doesn't like, no, but Father thinks it would be good to have a place for my own once I graduate Hogwarts."

"And the other room?" Rose asked, pointing to the two rooms. "There are two rooms."

"That would be for me," Adrian chuckled, also walking closer to the girls. "I've still got a year to convince my parents."

"Avalon," Amara shook her head and Rose turned to look at her cousins. Amara's lip started trembling, and Avalon's eyes had gone wide. "What-?"

"Come," Avalon said, leading Amara over to one of the rooms and closing the door once they were both inside. Rose and Adrian were left alone, leaving the siblings to talk.

"She'll be alright, won't she?" Adrian wondered aloud, whipping his hands on his trousers in a very un-pureblood way. "Av was nervous about telling the both of you, he feared Amara would go mental."

"She'll be alright," Rose shrugged, forcing her ears not to focus on the conversation Amara and Avalon were having. "Reckon you caught her by surprise, I don't think she's thought much about what would happen after we leave Hogwarts."

"Have you?" he asked, sitting at the sofa, encouraging Rose to sit too, she did.

"Not really," she mumbled nonchalantly, fiddling with her ring. "Charlie Weasley once said I should be a professional Quidditch player, but I can only do that for so long."

"You could do nothing, really," Adrian answered. "We all could, the four of us, we've got enough money to last five lifetimes."

"I couldn't do that," Rose shook her head, pushing a strand of loose hair behind her ear. "Sit around and do nothing." 

"Yeah, me neither," Adrian sighed, looking away and then back at Rose with a grin. "Thank you for the book, by the way; haven't gotten the chance to thank you properly."

"You're welcome," Rose smiled, watching Adrian's eyes light up. "You liked it then?"

"I did," he nodded, still smiling. "I think that's what I'm going to do after Hogwarts – curse breaking; if I get the NEWTs for it, of course."

"You will," Rose assured him, leaning back on the couch. "You're smart enough for that, you'll get it done."

"You could do it too, you know?" He said, his eyes hopeful as he looked at her. "You've certainly got the brains for it, and the talent, no doubt."

"Maybe," she mumbled, although there was something that had scratched her brain for a long time. "Can I confess something to you?"

He looked like a dear caught in headlights, she was tempted to laugh but he said, "Of course you can."

"I saw my friend Charlie – Weasley – when he came for the first task to bring the dragons," she gulped, trying to find the right words to explain her feelings. "I helped him with the dragons he was working with for a couple of days, and it was – Merlin and Morgana both – it was amazing! I was bloody frightened the whole time, but... I felt at home, at peace, as if there wasn't a line dividing the dragons and myself."

If he looked shocked before, he looked like he had gotten hit by a lighting by the look in his face. His dark eyes were opened wide, his usually set jaw hung half open and his eyebrows had shot up his forehead.

"A dragon tamer?" he asked, and Rose was scared that she might've said too much, that he wouldn't support her dream; and, Merlin, she really wanted him to support her. Then, his whole face broke into a grin and his eyes softened. "Merlin, Lightbourn, I don't think I've ever met anyone more suited for the job. Reckon you've got to be a little fearless to be a dragon tamer, and you, Rose Potter, are the most god-forsaken fearless bloody woman I've ever met."

Rose laughed a sigh of relief; a breath she didn't know she had been holding was finally let out. Her face matched his grin and soon enough, she had thrown her arms around his neck and pulled him close, laughing as she hugged him tightly.

"You could do it! You could do it, Lightbourn!" he repeated against her hair, letting out breathy chuckles as he pulled her closer. He couldn't remember the last time Rose had hugged him because she was happy and not because she was completely broken on the floor. Whenever that had been, he decided not to dwell on it, and instead he continued to hold her close.

Rose heard footsteps approach the door that Amara and Avalon had gone through, and she pulled herself from Adrian, leaving him confused before she turned her head at the door. The smile hadn't quite left her face when the two siblings entered the sitting room, but it fell at the sight of their faces. Amara's eyes were rimmed red and she was looking out the gloomy window. Avalon, on the other hand, looked beyond angry, he was glaring at the floor furiously.


"We should go," Amara said, brushing a stray tear with her fingers and looking up at Adrian and Rose. "It's a beautiful flat you've got here, really, Adrian; congratulations."

Adrian and Rose shared a look, both standing and gathering their coats before stepping out of the flat, trailing behind the two siblings until it was time to Apparate back home. 

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Where stories live. Discover now