
"Be careful, you two." Draco said, giving a hug for Scorpius. "We'll be fine, dad. You shouldn't worry so much. Besides, aren't you taking the babies to a playdate?" He asked. "Yes, we are, but that doesn't keep me from worrying about uou, Scorpius. Even more so when your taking off for the evening." Draco said. "I'll be back in the morning, dad." He replied back. "I know, I know. I still worry. You'll understand as Robin grows." He said. "Are...you sure Market is fine?" He asked. "I'm sure and Steve, you remember him, right?" Draco asked. "Yeah. I'm pretty sure he has always been dad's 'friend'. He has always been there, since I was like five years old." Steve said. "How does he know how to do her hair?" Scorpius asked. "You realized he taught me a lot of how to do hair. I'm not sure where his knowledge came from, but he showed me." Steve said. "No... I don't recall that, but I guess that makes me feel better." Scorpius said. "He's cool, promise. I like her hair in those braids anyway." Steve said. "Alright, boys, have fun." Draco said, shutting the door behind the young couple as the left that magical made house.


Harry and Draco got the babies ready. The triplets were now five and half months old. They were all getting different personalities and Ox, who wasn't biologically Harry's son, was starting to gain his bright blue eyes, as his sisters turned to green. His hair was black, but thin and much easier to handle. His sisters were also getting slightly tanner, as Ox kept very pale like Draco and Harry assumed his DNA father brought on by the sperm bank. Ox, was still Harry's little boy who was sitting on his bottom in the crib, who whined out for Harry's attention when he was putting the dresses on the two girls. "Now, now, I didn't forget about you." Harry chuckled, getting Ox and putting him on the floor by the girls. Rachel was standing on her feet, just watching all wide eyed. "Mum thinks we should just take her. Rachel was invited, you know." Draco said. "I know. Do you want to take her?" Harry asked. "I think we should, yeah. Mum's going to keep an eye on the little kids of course. However, Molly is wanting to go see Richard, her half brother. Apparently, he had a birthday recently." Draco said. "I'll get it arranged another time." Harry said, feeling a light kiss on his cheek. "I can take her...I don't mind." Draco said. "I'll think about it, Draco. Come on, let's get going." Harry said.


The van was load. Rachel and Ox in the back and the two girls in the middle and of course them up front. The often didn't use their bus, unless they all traveled together, but it was rare the household left. This van had the infant sets, that Robin and Valerie shared with the babies, so they were actually currently short still one infant set on the van, because only five fit. The other one kept in James truck. The CD was on low as Harry and Draco kept a conversation going about nothing, expect their conversation for cut shot by a drunk, slamming into them.


Rachel? Teleported herself and her car seat, she still hasn't learn to move just herself when she was in something, and landed on the living room and started screaming her head of. It brought Stan and Market Downstairs and Rachel head had been cut by some glass form the window. "NARCISSA! FIND HARRY AND DRACO!" Stan screamed, picking Rachel out, but in a second Rachel Teleported herself and Stan. She took them close to the accident. Her power keeping hidden so it was between to building. Stan put the baby on his hip, before walking out between the building.
Stan hurried over to the group that gathered around. "There's three five months old in the van along with their fathers!" Stan said. "I doubt we are getting to the driver...But my wife can watch the baby maybe we can get another door open." Said the man standing close by. Stan handed Rachel over and the pair worked on getting a door opened and when that fail, Stan removed his shirt, wrapped his hand and punched. The back glass was hit and it shattered the rest of the way. He ran he hand to clean off most of the glass. The crying at least give him peace of mind. All three babies were at least able to cry. "Is that all their cries?" He asked. "Yes." Stan replied back. "leave the car seats, if they don't look hurt." Was told and he gave a nod, climbing inside.

All three babies for past out the window, crying, scared, but other the a couple cuts form class, they kept safe in their seats. By then, Narcissa, James, Joey, Summer, and Victor and shown up. "Dad-" James started. "Just try and calm the babies down. I wouldn't of found them if they wasn't still breathing." Narcissa said.


Getting Harry and Draco out the van wasn't something Stan could do, even with aid because the other car had slammed head first into the car, leaving that job on the EMT's who spent twenty minutes getting the pair out of the van and hurried to the Hospital, that the waiting room for filled up quickly, whole Stan and Market, when he caught up with the them, took the for babies to children hospital to be sure they were okay.


They kept the four together. The triplets drinking bottles and Rachel, sitting on Stan's lap. "She just up and disappeared the both of you." Market said. "Yeah, I don't know how she did that. I haven't been able to get a hold of Steve or Scorpius." Stan said. "Do you have an idea of where they went? I can always go get them." Market said. "I don't, no. I don't think they told any body and Narcissa is having to keep half Harry's kids form freaking out..." He said. "Wasn't he just hurt not to long ago?" Market pointed out. "He crashed his bike, yes." Stan pointed out, before he looked down at Rachel. "Why don't you go get brothers for me, can you do that?" He asked, getting looked at all wide eyed, before he tried his attention to the babies in the crib.


Rachel disappeared a few minutes later. Half an hour went by, before the pair of lights appeared in the hospital room and The two boys appeared, Scorpius holding Rachel. "Now, why did you send the ba- wait, what the hell happened?" Scorpius frowned, seeing they were in the hospital. "There was a car accident. I still don't know yet about your parents, I brought the babies here. Stan said. "Wait, they were in the van? Harry just got finished getting fixed! James-" He started. "Is giving Narcissa a hard time, yes, and it's best if you to get back to the Manor." Stan said and after a frowned, he sat Rachel back down and the pair disappeared.


It would be a few hours, but both Harry and Draco laid in recovery. Not perfect, but it could of been worst for both of them.

Coming Together Years Laterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें