Chapter Forty Six

Start from the beginning

The shock dissipated from the Alpha's eyes and instead was filled with a cruel look. "What do you think? Your sister killed my cousin, she has to pay."

"I don't understand." I muttered. "Why are you being like this?"

Alpha Alessandro ignored my question and went back to his desk. I knew it wouldn't be a good idea to anger him any further but since I was going to die anyway what harm could it do.

"I didn't have to 'pay' when you thought it was me who killed your cousin, you didn't do anything to me so why will you hurt Cami?"

His reasoning and thought process confused me, he was willing to not hurt either of us when he thought it was me so why is it any different now that he knows it was Cami? If anything shouldn't he be more willing to help her since she's a kid?

"Please Alpha Alessandro." The sound of his name on my lips had him looking back at me. "Please don't hurt her, she's the only family I have."

He looked indifferent to my pleading and I felt my heart tightened at the possibility of anything happening to Cami. She was in the clear, she was safe and I had to ruin that by stupidly telling the Alpha the truth. If only I had kept my mouth shut then this wouldn't have been happening.

"Please." I tired again and I would keep trying until he changed his mind. "Please don't do anything to her. If I lose her I have nothing, my life would be nothing without her."

"Please. I'm begging you, I'll do anything you want just don't hurt her. If you want to punish someone, punish me."

Alpha Alessandro stood up from his chair. "Don't worry human, you will be punished too."

My eyes widened as I realised what he had said. For some reason the idea of me getting 'punished' by him didn't cross my mind. I thought I only had his parents to worry about.


"Go back to your room and do not leave it again." He ordered moving away from his desk.

"What about your parents?" I questioned. "They wanted to speak to me."


I followed him out of his room like a little lost puppy. My eyes were darting everywhere around me and I felt on edge, my body shaking with anxiety and dread.

Were we going back to my room or were we going to see his parents? What questions would they ask me? Would they believe me? Would I tell them the version Alpha Alessandro knew previously or tell them I have no idea what happened to their nephew?

My head was pounding so loud I felt as though it had to be audible to everyone around me. Every part of me was panicking, thoughts were clashing inside my brain with most of it not making any sense. My body was trembling slightly with unease and fear, my legs weak as if I hadn't used them in over a year and though my heart was beating at an alarming rate it wasn't worried, my heart was telling me everything would be okay.

But nothing would be okay. Now that I've told the Alpha the truth and seen his reaction I knew this was a huge, colossal mistake and I should have listened to my head instead of my heart.

Once we got the room the Alpha practically shoved me into the room causing me to lose my balance slightly, thankfully I managed to get a hold of myself before I could fall down.

"Seriously?" I snapped throwing the Alpha the dirtiest look I could give him. "Why did you have to do that?" You dickhead. I added silently.

"Stay in the room, don't leave it." He commanded ignoring my question.

"Wait!" I called out to his retreating back. He stopped walking but still had his back to me. "Alpha Alessandro?"

His back muscles clenched and moved slightly after I called him with his title and he slowly turned around.

"Will you help me?" Pure desperation filled my tone, it was seeping with it.

"No." Came Alpha Alessandro blunt response.

Resisting the urge to both scream and cry I asked him another question. "What should I say to your parents?"

"I don't know and I don't care." The Alpha paused and took a step closer. "Lie to them, you're good at that."

My mouth dropped slightly and I stood there staring right at him. Without another word he left the room with me still standing there like an idiot. If I didn't know any better I would have thought the Alpha was upset that I lied, not angry like expected but upset.

Shaking my head, I dismissed all thoughts about Alpha Alessandro and turned my attention to another person, Cami.

She was in the clear and I messed that up, big time, and I needed to fix it but I just didn't know how. I wanted to speak to her however I knew if I told her a small fraction of how petrified I was feeling it would cause her to go into extreme panic mode and breakdown. I couldn't have that, as valid as her feelings were I didn't want them to get in the way and cause even more issues.

Perhaps it would be a good idea to tell Uncle Tom? He could help me in some sort of way and if he couldn't help me he could help Cami. He could arrange something for her to keep her safe since I've failed to do that.

I wouldn't tell the Alpha's parents that Cami was involved in this at all, I would tell them she had no idea what I did and why I did it until it was too late. She was not to blame for this, I was. That was the only thing I could do now. It wouldn't end well for me but at least Cami would be safe and get to live.

A gut-wrenching ache filled my body and I let out a sob. I wanted to live too. My life had barely begun and now it would be ending. There were so many things I wanted to do and so many places I wanted to visit. I wanted to get married, have kids someday and grow old with my husband.

It's not fair, I don't deserve to die. I don't want to die.

That's all I could think about, death, and how much I didn't want to die. It felt as though hours had passed but I couldn't actually be sure if it was hours or only a few minutes as I sat on the floor in the middle of the room, my brain uttering one word over and over again. Death.

The knock on the door pulled me out of the frozen state I was in and though I lifted my head to look at the door I didn't respond. There was another knock and then another, both of which I ignored. I knew what that knock meant and I wasn't ready yet.

After no response from me the door opened and in came Beta Kieran. He looked down at my pitiful state and let out a sigh. "Get up Nala."

"I don't want to." My voice was small and scared and sounded like it belonged to a child.

"You don't have a choice. I don't want to drag you out of this room but I will if I have to."

Help me. I wanted to beg him. Please help me.

"Where am I going?" I asked instead even though I knew the answer.

"To see the Alpha's parents."


A/N: Hey guys, I'm back now and recovering well. Thank you very much for all the sweet and supportive comments! :)

I hope you guys liked this chapter

What did you make of Alpha Alessandro's reaction? What do you think is going to happen next? 

I will upload again on Friday but you can read ahead on

Thank you for reading :)

-Kayy xx

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