𝖑𝖝𝖎. there's a new sheriff in town

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( volume iii, chapter lxi )

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

( volume iii, chapter lxi )

there's a new sheriff in town




''We all thought you were dead, Tall Boy. Where the hell have you been hiding?''

FP delivered yet another blow to the bloodied and bruised man, only adding to the black and blue canvas that was his beaten skin.

Tall Boy spat out a mouthful of crimson, glaring at the gang members in front of him. ''A small town called Athens. Gotta say, it's good to be back. As for Alice Cooper, she was looking extra sweet the night me and my boys broke into her house and scared the crap out of her and her bitch daughter — that was fun.''

This time, it was Jughead who surged forward, his fist connecting with such force that Tall Boy's head was spun to the side.

Mia sat in the corner of the room, her legs criss-crossed underneath her as she watched the scene unfold curiously. No matter how much she had nagged, both her father and brother had refused to let her in on the ambush, so she was forced to stay behind and hold down the fort. Although they had returned, it wasn't much more interesting, especially when Sweet Pea's sky-scraper self blocked her view more often than not.

''Alright, let's cut to the chase. We know you work for Hiram. You've been dressing up in that little costume, like his mascot. So, now you . . . '' Jughead flicked the supposed Gargoyle King's forehead with his pointer finger mockingly. ''Are gonna help us take him down.''

''You know what else was fun?'' Tall boy rasped, continuing. ''Carving that symbol on Joaquin's forehead after I killed him.''

For once, Jughead and FP weren't the ones needing to be held back and tamed. They both wrestled with Fangs and Sweet Pea, who saw red upon the revelation. The man who had killed their oldest friend was right in front of them, and they were going to get their revenge one way or another.

''You're dead!''

''You son of a bitch!''

''I'm gonna kill him!''

''He killed Joaquin!''

''What do you think Tall Boy, huh?'' Jughead asked, letting Mia take the reigns on Fangs as she kicked him in the shin (there wasn't a huge height difference between the boy and girl, anyway). ''Should I let them tear you limb from limb? Or are you gonna help us get to Hiram? I know you have access to him.''

''The Man in Black would never agree to meet with me — not unless I have something that he really wants.''

''You thinking what I'm thinking?'' Mia realized. If there was anything in this world that Hiram was weirdly obsessed with, it was a teenage boy, strangely enough. ''Archie . . . Archie has to be the bait.''

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