𝖑. eventful end of the summer

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( volume iii, chapter l )

eventful end of the summer

     It's the calm before the storm. The summer before your junior year in high school. And how do you spend it?

     Working some brutal summer job that actually makes you look forward to going back to school. 

     Or maybe you have an internship that doesn't pay much. That's okay, because it's for a good cause. 

     Or maybe you spent it at Sweetwater Swimming Hole. You, and the best friends you'll ever have. 

     Or maybe you spent most of June, July, and August in a courtroom, supporting our pal, Archie Andrews, who was on trial for a murder he didn't commit, despite the DA's closing arguments.


AUGUST 20TH, 2018


Toned and tanned, Mia and Cheryl were a sight for sore eyes, back in Riverdale after their summer road-trip. An iconic case of ❛will they, won't they❜, having taken the plunge in the deep end, coming out unscathed.

The earth seemed to stop spinning on its axis for a second. Granted, their infatuation for one another was no secret to those of Riverdale High, yet the rest of the town's citizens held their breath in disbelief as the two walked into the diner, hand-in-hand.

''Juggie!'' Mia exclaimed, meeting her brother halfway across the hot room in a long overdue embrace. ''As fun as it was, I'm literally never leaving you and dad again. I missed you guys.''

''Whoa, who are you and what have you done with my sister?'' He smirked, messing up her curled ponytail. ''The Mia I know would never admit to missing somebody, let alone her Serpent family.''

She punched her brother in the arm, ushering her girlfriend to the table where Jughead, Betty, Archie, and Veronica sat, their once-peaceful hang out already in turbulence thanks to the two girls' presence.

''Greetings, chums. I wanted to let you know that after the three amazing months I've just had with Mia, we're celebrating with an epic end-of-summer pool party at Thistlehouse, and you're all invited!''

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