𝖑𝖝. welcome home

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( volume iii, chapter lx )

welcome home




Surprises came frequently to Mia, especially in lust and love.

If you had told her two years ago that she and Nate would no longer be together, she would have laughed right in your face. The same could be said for her clandestine coupling with an English-teacher-slash-drug-dealer, and then later on a relationship with her sworn enemy.

Yet, the biggest surprise of them all turned out to be Veronica's suspicion, which came true.

Nobody wouldn't have ever put burglary past Cheryl — after all, the Blossom girl was a little bit twisted, even to the naked eye. Mia, however, never expected to stoop so low as to keep it a secret from her. Not only was the lie itself odd, but it was her partner-in-crime that rubbed the Jones girl in the wrong way.


So, not only had Cheryl been the one raising Riverdale's crime rate, she had help from another girl. And they would've gotten away with it, too, if it wasn't for Mia's meddling. All it took was a quick brush through the rooms at Thistlehouse, and that stupid bedazzled egg turned up within minutes of searching. Amatures.

Cheryl had kept Mia in the dark for weeks now, and it was an understatement to say that the blonde was pissed.

Any other time, her girlfriend's touch would have melted away her qualms. Instead, it now set her skin ablaze in wrath, as every atom in her hand yearned to snatch itself away whilst the two sat side-by-side at another Serpent meeting. Mia made a great effort to keep her eyes set on her lap so as not to kill Toni with the pure fury in her pupils, all of Jughead's words going in one ear and out the other.

''Serpents. Yesterday, I brokered a deal. Got us a paid gig. From here on out, we'll be working security detail for Veronica Lodge, her speakeasy, and her employees.''

The crowd broke into various volumes of cheers and applause, a smile appearing on every single face — well, almost. Mia's perfectly-plucked eyebrows were furrowed in concentration, drawing deep breaths in and out. After all, subtlety was not her specialty.

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