𝖑𝖎. men (derogatory)

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( volume iii, chapter li )

men (derogatory)




''I'm worried about you.''

Jughead barely glanced at his sister, buttoning up his dress shirt. ''Get out of my room.''

''I'm not in your room,'' she pointed out, purposefully standing right before the threshold. ''Look, I'm sorry, okay?''

''You just don't get it, do you?'' He wondered. ''This is about safety. You and Cheryl are both loose cannons, but you're also a target, just like Betty.''

''But you're not in this alone,'' the blonde protested. ''You have us three, and the Serpents.''

''Yeah, the Serpents,'' he laughed, despite there being nothing funny about what his sister had just said. ''Except we're not even the Southside Serpents anymore.''

''Screw the Southside, it's a dump.''

''I don't have the time for this right now,'' Jughead snapped. ''I've got to get to the court, we're finding out Archie's verdict today.''

''Yeah, so do I,'' Mia snapped back, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. ''Why else would I be wearing a tweed blazer and skirt when its sweltering outside?''

''You're weird like that.''

''Takes one to know one, weirdo.''

FP followed his two children into the kitchen, raising an eyebrow. ''What are you kids squabbling about?''

''Nothing,'' Mia smiled, discreetly kicking her brother in the shin with the prong of her stiletto. ''That's what you get, bitch.''

''Oh, I'm the bitch—''

''Enough!'' FP sighed, silencing the room due to the knock on the door. He bounded forward, curious as to who the unexpected house guest was.

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