𝖝𝖛𝖎𝖎𝖎. i eat girls like you for breakfast

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( volume ii, chapter xviii )

i eat girls like you for breakfast




Just like a couple weeks ago, Mia shut the door with an echoing thud. Only this time, she wasn't in need of sanctuary from prying eyes. No, she was a girl on a mission and she most definitely wouldn't be seeking Cheryl's permission.

The half-dressed redhead gasped, her hand flying to her chest apprehensively. ''Give a girl a warning, will you?'' She huffed.

''Let's cut straight to the chase,'' Mia began, keeping intense eye contact in an effort to not allow her eyes to wander, ''you want closure. I want to help my dad.''

''I already told you—''

''And I'm telling you,'' she cut Cheryl off, gradually approaching her, ''to help my dad, or—''

''Or what?''

''Or I wide-release the video of your dad shooting Jason,'' she shrugged, as if it was the most morally right thing to do, ''try having closure with that out in the world.''

Cheryl's expression darkened, morphing into anxiety and uncertainty. ''I though you, uh, gave that damn thumb drive to Sheriff Keller.'' Her voice was shaky, clearly not having expected to have her and Mia bargaining again.

''No, not before I saved a copy onto Jughead's laptop,'' the blonde informed, ''one click, and the darkest chapter of your family's twisted psychodrama becomes a viral sensation.''

''Are you threatening me?''

Mia laughed, enjoying having the upper hand once more. ''This? No,'' she spoke incredulously, ''no, this is . . . fun girl talk.'' The two girls were once again face-to-face, the air thick with tension as hundreds of unsaid words buzzed around them. ''You could save a man's life. Think about that. A nice ending to a sad story.''

''If I testify,'' Cheryl heaved, frustrated, ''you're giving me that video and a guarantee that any and all other copies in your possession will be erased.''

''Look at you, being all reasonable,'' Mia taunted, ''you have my word.''





''Miss Blossom, you may proceed with your statement.'' The judge allowed, the fateful gavel resting at his side menacingly.

Mia sat in the front row, directly behind her father, sandwiched between Betty and Jughead. Instead of ruining her fresh manicure with bite marks, she chewed the strawberry bubblegum in her mouth uneasily, her leg bouncing up and down rapidly.

''Your Honour, I speak for myself and my mother when I say we forgive FP Jones for the part he played in covering up my brother's murder. We humbly ask the court for leniency. FP's guilt has been blown out of proportion to satiate what my father's suicide denied us — closure.''

The old, white, wispy man leaned closer to the witness stand, propped up on his elbow, intrigued. ''As much as I sympathise, I can't ignore the quality of Mr Jones' crimes. There were no extenuating circumstances.''

Mia could only imagine the shocked look on her father's face as Cheryl showed mercy, but now she didn't even want to think about the sinking feeling of guilt as it was all for nothing.

After a few quite seconds of the redhead looking placid, she opened her cherry-red lips to speak once more. ''My father threatened him,'' she burst out, ''I overheard them talking in Daddy's study. Daddy said he would hurt Mia and Jughead if FP didn't comply. Is that extenuating enough?''

''In light of these revelations,'' the judge started, ''I suggest that we take a step back and re-evaluate certain aspects of the case. At which time, we will revisit sentencing. Adjourned.''

Jughead grabbed their dad from behind by his shoulders, hopelessly hopeful. 

''Is that a win?'' FP asked.

''It's a delay, so, yeah.'' Jughead told him, throwing his arms around the older man. Mia stood quietly, smiling at her dad slightly before slinking off to the parking lot of the court house.

''Mark this day in your diary, I lied under oath for you. Thank God I'm quick on my feet.''

''Cheryl . . .'' Mia sighed, fighting the urge to pull out a cigarette from her handbag instead of the USB, ''thank you.''

''Honour your promise to me.''

''Will do, bombshell.''

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