I still felt human.  I still mourned losing Zass to the beast.  I still felt joy at Mirth and Megaera's reunion.  I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders and the possibility of Zass becoming something totally evil terrified me.  With everything I had in me I threw a prayer out into the universe.  "Please, whoever's listening, let me find him.  Let me save him.  Help me get him back.  I love him it's as simple as that."

I knew it was just a matter of time before Zass and I came face to face again.  With all I had seen, I knew approximately where he was.  Whether I would find Zass or Mika that was the question, and if I found Mika would I be able to get back my Zass.  I hoped that there was someone out there listening and that I wasn't truly doing this on my own.  Then I shook myself and told myself to get my ass in gear.  He wasn't going to walk back into the room and I needed to get out there and find him.  I turned to face the others and said, "Right, explanations later.  Tank you sort your shit and get on the road ASAP.  You three, reunion's continuing in the car if you want to help.  Zass has gone over to the dark side because he thought I was dead so now I have to find him and bring him back to the light before it's too late.  Time's a ticking, so whoever's coming can move their asses."

Iris stepped up from the back of the room where she had been observing us and said, "I will deal with the dungeon.  Then if you are amenable I will inform Lucifer of the outcome of the events here."

I nodded at her, asking her as a favour, "Please let everyone know that Zass shouldn't be approached, but that if Lucifer or any of the residents see him, to contact me?"

She nodded and I turned to walk out the door.

"Mmm Hmm." I turned back as a throat cleared behind me.  Tank held out a spare shirt he had pulled from one of his guy's backpacks and threw it at my face grinning.  "You might want to hide those new appendages you've got there Scott, or some bystanders are gonna think you're there to collect their souls."

That made me smile for a moment and I hurriedly said, "Thanks."

I concentrated on my appearance and then compressed my wings to their smaller size and shrugged into the shirt.  I checked my forehead and was happy that my horn was now similarly hidden behind a human façade.  My eyes swirled and tried to change to blue, but I was too worried for them to revert to my natural colour. 

Instead of clear ocean blue, they were now storm cloud grey, reflecting my turbulent emotions.  I guessed if everything turned out how I wanted it to they would be clear and bright again.  Until then I wasn't worried about that part of my appearance.  I wasn't going to make it a point of coming into contact with any non-essential humans until my mission was fulfilled.  And sunglasses were a great way of hiding unusual eyes anyway.

Walking out the door with a couple of back slaps to urge me on, I lead the women to the vehicle and we all got in the fully fuelled up SUV.  Tank had organized for our belongings to be collected and they were secured in the rear luggage area of the car.  All our weapons and other items had been put in their cases, even Zass's 'extras' were secured.  I was thankful for that.  I might need them.

I shoved the gear lever into first and we accelerated away from the bloodbath that was the Den, secure in the knowledge that Tank and his helpers would ensure there was nothing for the Cops to find.  They would handle their end and I hoped they wouldn't be too long and then could join me in L.A.  Sooner rather than later.  It was going to get freaky and I felt totally unprepared for what was to come.  I knew I'd eventually be able to see the future, every decision and possible outcomes of those choices.  But I could also tell it was something I'd have to build up to.  Not something that would appear from thin air when I wanted it to, at least in the beginning.  That thought troubled me.  I hoped with every fibre of my being that I would succeed.  That we could bring Zass back from the brink and that we would be together again.  I knew I could go wherever he needed me to go if it meant having him back in my arms again.  With my travelling companions and our friends in L.A. getting on board I knew there was hope. 

I didn't know what him being the son of Zeus actually meant for us at that minute, but it would be interesting to find out.  I guess it could mean changes in him similar to mine before everything was said and done.  With a little luck and some detective work, Zass would be mine again.

It was just a matter of pinning down one stubborn Vampire. 

How hard could that be?  


Iris took the last steps into the dungeon and moved towards the darkest corner.

"Master?" She called.

A hooded figure stepped forward and she bent quickly and took one knee, bowing her head.  "What would you have me do?" She asked.

"You have fulfilled your duty here my child.  Go now and warn Lucifer and the others at Inferno.  Inform Jezebel she is to travel with the Vampire clan and guide young Scott."

Iris nodded and left, heading back up the stairs.

When she was gone, another figure emerged from the shadows and moved to stand next to the first.  They removed their hoods and looked at each other, nodding in recognition.

The first figure whose face now glowed in the dark, illuminating the two said to the second, "Will your ultimate offspring be capable of saving my Son?"

The other figure whose robes left pools of saltwater in their wake said, "His lineage is closer to me than you imagine Brother.  We each take our enjoyment with these humans that we cannot seem to get enough of, don't we?"

The first figure's hand went to his chin and he rubbed it ruefully in acknowledgement of his brother's words of truth.  "Zass's path is unclear even to me, but I have lived long enough to know the paths parents choose for their children are seldom the paths they choose to take themselves."

The second figure's hand moved to his brother's shoulder.  My Son has proven himself worthy in his quest.  He gave his life to save your Son's.  I have confidence he will prevail Brother.  We agreed to leave the humans to their own destinies and remove ourselves from their realm long ago.  Are we still abiding by those choices or do we allow the rest of the pantheon to reclaim their own worshippers and offspring also?"

The first figure nodded.  "No Brother.  We did not make our choices lightly and we will not change them now even with these special ones now at risk."


The figures faded from view, the light disappearing and the water evaporating instantly into the air.  Leaving no trace of the deities who had been in that room.  

Zass & Scott will return in Case 5... "Knockout". :)

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