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James hid the Elder Wand using the elder wand in the Chamber of Secrets, and that too deep in the ground with protective enhancements around the wand, so if he dies a natural death then no one will be able to be the master of it. Only he and Lily knew the location of it and no one else.

He flew over Forbidden Forest, to a place where he has once seen a big family of giant spiders, Acromentula and threw the resurrection stone in there.

He didn't need those two things, Sirius suggested that he should have kept the wand but James being a person who prefers loyalty over power didn't keep it, and as for the resurrection stone, James thought it was best if such a dark and tempting thing is kept away from the world, after all moving forward is human's nature.

James only kept the cloak as he was attached to it and it wasn't horrible as the others. Plus it was an aid to do pranks.  


Barty Crouch, despite all the disputes regarding his son, was made the Minister of Magic. Cornelius Fudge was in the race but Crouch beat him.

The curse on the job of DADA post was lifted in Hogwarts after Voldemort's death and Alastor Moody joined the post though only for six years, after which he retired and a new DADA professor was appointed who became a star amongst the students instantly. Do I need to tell who?

Professor R.J. Lupin, special arrangements were made for him, and by the time he joined the post, the wolfsbane was invented so it made it easier for him, not to forget that still three other boys would sneak into the Shrieking Shack to accompany their friend.

It was revealed that it was Tom Riddle who has opened the Chamber of Secrets and killed Myrtle and not Hagrid. The Ministry wrote an apology to Hagrid and gave him a wand(though Hagrid went back to use his own original wand, which Dumbledore has mended for him) and he was made the assistant of Professor Kettleborn who began preparing Hagrid as a future professor.

A new Divination teacher was appointed Prof. Sybill Trelanwey, the headmistress wasn't fond of divination but nevertheless appointed her.


It was found that the Malfoy Manor has been completely empty with only the dead body if Lucius Malfoy was left in there, the chambers where prisoners were held were all empty, and all the gold and jewels from the Manor were missing too.

No one ever saw Severus Snape in Britain again and neither they saw Narcissa, who was now known as Narcissa Snape.

The couple had moved to France where they had a boy who was named Salus by Narcissa, as the name means salvation in Latin, and the boy was both of their's salvation, he was the one who brought them to the good side. 

Snape began his work with a few French wizards who studied dark arts and find its antidote.


A month after the new year party of 1980, Marlene found out that she was pregnant, obviously, the father panicked and thought he would be the worst father, but a long lecture from the three girls calmed him down, and in May the man who thought the marriage was a joke and that no man should ever marry and keep the options open was married, though he ran away thrice before the wedding, which included turning into a dog on the morning of the wedding when he was so panicked with it.

Finally, after a two-hour-long talk with his best friend and the fiery redhead, he calmed himself down and got ready to get married.

They had twin daughters, Faith and Grace, and now Sirius Black was the happiest man in the world, very committed to his wife and two daughters. He would turn into Snuffles and play with them.