80. The Flaw in the Plan

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Voldemort let out a harsh laugh.

Lily's heart was beating very fast, her mind seemed to have stopped working as she saw the tip of the elder wand pointed at them, her wand was deep in her pocket and James was in his pocket. James' grip on her wrist was very tight, he was doing some movement but her mind wasn't working.

"No point doing anything, Potter," said Voldemort. "Avada. . . "

There was a growl and hiss, and Lily saw it, Felix, her cat moved very fast, jumped and attacked Voldemort's hand. Voldemort who was between killing them didn't noticed the cat in his confidence. The cat landed on his wand arm, scratching it, Voldemort let out a painful hiss and lost his control.

The cat ran up to Lily and sat on her shoulder, meanwhile James has closed his hand around her other wrist, over the bracelet.

"I will wait for you in your home, Tom Riddle at Hogwarts with my army, you bring your army there, we'll finish it there. Either you will live or me," James said.

It wasn't making sense to Lily at all, he wasn't taking out his wand and has gripped both of her hands, was he mad?

"Your army at Hogwarts? Army of students?" laughed Voldemort. "You can't disapparate, I have placed the anti-disapparation jinx." 

"Just meet me at Hogwarts, Tom," James said loudly. "One of us will only live."

Voldemort raised his wand, "I will kill you now, here itself."

"Ducere," said James and Lily felt herself revolving fast, she saw Voldemort snarl angrily, she felt Felix holding her tightly, its furry tail brushing her face.

And then it stopped and they landed.

James let out a sigh of relief but didn't release her hand, Felix jumped off her shoulder.

"Thanks for saving us, Felix," James said, and the cat let out a purr.

"Where are we?" Lily asked looking around.

"You tell me," he said hugging and kissing her.

"On the balcony," Lily gasped. "In Hogwarts. How?"

"I asked Dumbledore to do it, on our last day in Hogwarts when we mate him," replied James. "He did it secretly."

"Why didn't you tell me?" asked Lily.

"There was no need, Hogwarts wasn't that safe," he told her. "And the bracelet would have signalled you itself when the time comes."

Lily was silent and then said, "Peter betrayed us, I can't believe it."

"No," replied James. "Now's not the time." He took out the mirror. "Sirius, Sirius," Sirius appeared in the mirror. "We're here at Hogwarts, alert everyone, and began the plan."

"See, if the area's clean," Sirisu said hurriedly.

James took out the marauder's map. "All clear, you can come in. I am going to meet Minnie."

"Cool, we'll be there within minutes," said Sirius.

"James, what's going on?" Lily asked tensed.

"We don't have time," said James, pointing his wand in the air. A very big mongoose appeared in the sky. James immediately wore his Thanatos robe and made Lily wear her. "Let's go."

All the students in the common room were shocked at the sudden appearance of Thanatos.

"James," called a familiar voice, Kevin Bell, and the other familiar faces behind him. "You're here, you've become a hero, our hero, we all are on your side, we support you, don't we guys?"