25.Aunt May Parker(and Uncle Ben)

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"It's sad that we will not be returning here again" sighed Alice, and Frank put his arm around her shoulder and pressed it.

"Yeah, I will miss Hogwarts and you lots" Freank said turning to the marauders and Lily, Marls, Mary, Hestia and Dorcas. They were all sitting in the great hall ready to leave to hogsmeade to catch the train.

"We will miss you both too!" said Marls.

"So, you both got accepted in Auror training?" asked James.

"Yes, we both got accepted, I am so happy." grinned Alice. "And they have changed the rules now one can become Auror with two years training."

"Why did they decrease the time frame?" asked Lily.

"Uncle Ben told me that with the war going on they need more Aurors, so they reduced it by one year." replied James.

"Yeah, but they accept us to work extra hard to learn as much as possible in the two years." said Frank.

"Frank, can I tell them? I can't hold it any longer," asked Alice smiling.

"Go on then," Frank grinned going red in ears.

"Guys Frank proposed to me yesterday." shrieked Alice.

"And did you say 'Yes'?" asked Sirius.

"Of course, she said 'Yes', can't you see her face?" smiled Remus.

"So, when's the wedding?" asked Peter excitedly.

"We haven't decided yet, as we will not have much time this summer, so probably next summer," replied Frank. They all congratulated the pair.

The marauders were on their way to carriages, the girls were walking behind them separated by a group of fourth year Gryffindors. The marauders saw four boys standing in front, and stopped. Snape sneered at the marauders.

"You will pay very badly for everything you did Potter, you will regret your entire life for what you did. I have powers you will never have, you think that being rich and teacher's favorite is power, but no it's not. You can only make empty threats, because you are weaker than me, you cant face me until it's 4 vs 1. You will regret that you ever met me." snarled Snape.

Everyone had stopped, the girls tried to tear the crowd to look at what was holding up everyone, everyone was looking at James who smiled " Believe me Snivelus, I regret that I ever met you, but I want you and your friends to move aside as you are holding the line."

"Afraid are we Potter" snickered Mulciber, he was about to say more when McGonagall asked them to hurry up. 

"You have no idea about the power of the dark spells we know, Severus here knows more spell than even the seventh years, and his new dark spells will demolish you," warned Avery and they left.

The marauders and the girls got out of their carriages, James moved at front of the carriage and patted the thestral before entering the train, all seven of them decided to sit in the same compartment.

"What was Snape and his gang saying to you lot?" asked Mary

"Snape was threatening James and Avery said about Snape knowing more spell than even seventh years and knowing dark spells that will demolish James." replied Peter before James could stop him.

"Well Avery was right, Snape do knows more spells and dark spells included more than any of seventh years," supplied Remus. James was thinking the same.