32.Helping Dumbledore (and Love Potions)

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Only about a month left when Regulus will have to meet the Dark Lord. Each day the face of was coming in his nightmare, he didn't want to go there, he wanted to run but a voice would say you are 'brave' each time, he would stop and face the horrible snake-like face. He can't just run away, he wasn't a coward. Fuck, he thought, why wasn't he in Gryffindor like Sirius. 'Don't curse your fate to have disadvantages in your life... Try to make your disadvantages, your advantages'  said the voice in his mind it belonged to his father. How can he though? 'Spy' said the voice now belonged to Dumbledore, but he didn't trust the Headmaster. He has to tell someone about all the things to someone, the full story, not half. But how can he do that with all the Slytherins always around him? What if the Dark Lord suspects him?


"Reg" someone shook his shoulder and then a warm hand was placed over his. He looked up he was in potions class, and Julia was looking at him with a worried look.

"Hmm," he said and his voice shook a little.

"Are you okay? Your face has gone all pale," said Julia in a worried voice.

"Yeah, just got lost in thoughts," replied Reg.

"You know, you can tell me, you can trust me Reg," she assured him.

He smiled and looked at her he can but it will not help and she will only worry more but he can tell some parts, she has helped him before, and he trusts her. He flicked his wand and muttered "Muffiliato."   

"You have to swear not to tell anyone, or we both can and will die," said Reg. Julia gulped but nodded. 

"I swear," 

"I. . . . I was introduced to The Dark Lord over the summer, I met him," he choked and his face got pale. Julia took a deep inhale, her eyes wide in horror, and she tightened the grip on his arm. "He looked horrible, like a snake, it makes us all afraid."

"Oh God!" she gasped. 

"His intentions are not good Julia, I am afraid, I am having difficulty sleeping since then."

"What did he want?" asked Julia recovering.

"He. . . .  he wanted to hire us. . . . make us a Death Eater," he said. Julia's eyes widened and she has to use all her strength to stop herself from shrieking.

"Are. . .  are you?" she asked.

"No. . . .  but I don't know how long I can prevent it. My mother wants me to join them asap, to prove our loyalty to him," he said.

"And, do you want to join him?"

"Don't be stupid Julia, you know how much I hate him and his ideas, but I can't run away because he might punish my family if I do so."  

"Go to Dumbledore, he will protect you and your family too,"

"Don't you think I have done that, I hinted about it to him secretly, and do you know what he suggested?" 


"A spy."

"No, it's dangerous, they say you know who can read minds," gasped Julia.

" I am an Occlumens and so is my brother, we were taught it by our father, no one can read our mind," said Reg.

"But it's still dangerous," protested Julia.

"I know and I have thought about it, but it seems the only possible option," said Reg.

"I don't like this idea Reg," said a worried Julia.