13.The Valkyries

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After the Ball the classes had begun, as usual , Lily's and James' euphoria only lasted for few days as they were crushed under the pressure of their upcoming exams .

The fifth year Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs had  DADA together  first thing in morning .
Today they had to learn to defend themselves again Vampire Bats.

"Vampire Bats are dark creatures and they leave in shadows and come out at night , their bites and claws injuries gives Vampire like behaviours in the witches and wizards , they however can be easily defeated with a simple spell 'DURATUS' but the Vampire bats are quite fast , so to deal with that you can use 'Lumos' which slows them down as they are harmed by light . Now, we will close the windows and dim the light , you all stand in lines and come forward one by one."said Patrick

The classroom was turned dark with only few light sources .

"Ms. Jones " called  Prof Patrick " Now, the spell is DURATUS ok , I am going to release one Vampire bat ."

The creature was very similar to a bat but with long front teeth and red claws . Hestia Jones took five tries before hitting the bat which fell on ground frozen , professor with a flick of wand sent it into one of the boxes .

James and Marlene having the skills of chaser hit the bat in one go only and earned  5 points each .

Peter as usual panicked and hit the portrait of a wizard who turned into stone .

The next class was of potions , they were brewing Erumpent Potion , the Marauders all messed up their potions courtesy Sirius who distracted them by his experience of broom cupboard , as a result Slughorn gave them extra homework.

History of Magic was boring , it was not as though the chapters were boring but the way Binns taught was what made it boring.
While the other marauders decided it was best to sleep , James started doodling and staring at back of Lily , who herself was whisper talking with Mary and Marls. They all rely on Emmeline Vance , their fellow Hufflepuff for notes.

Transfiguration today was interesting when they entered the class, they saw Goldfinches birds on McGonagall's table . 
"Settle down, class. Today we will Transfigure a goldfinch into a Golden Snitch. I understand that Quidditch is of particular interest to many of you, but contain your enthusiasm... We will begin today's class with a lecture and then will practice it . It's a hard but important one ." said Mcgonagall . 

After 20 minutes of lecture, every student had a goldfinch in their front , everyone began practicing except for James and Sirius .

Lily found transfiguration hard , after trying eight times she started looking around , and found James looking at her , he was not practicing, when their eyes met his grin widened and he blown a kiss at her , Lily rolled her eyes and looked at her bird and was about to practice transfiguring it again when a note fell on her table , she opened it .

Focus Evans , or do you want my help ? ;)

NO and Why aren't you practicing?

James read the note and chuckled , he took out his quill and wrote back to her .

I have more important things to do .

And what  are these important things ?

Looking at you , dreaming about you , and doodling you . 

CREEP. Doodle really ? I don't believe you .

James snorted.

Why you never trust me Evans?