27. Godric's Hollow(an' ol' Bathilda)

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Lily woke up with a start. shit, it's already 7, and her friends will be here to pick her up by 8. Lily had informed her parents about the trip with her friends and they all had agreed. Lily was excited to meet her friends, and quite more excited to meet James Potter. They had gotten really close through the letters they exchanged. The previous day Lily had spent her entire evening thinking about how she feels about James.

Sure, he has became a really good friend of her. She has realized that both of them share many things in common. Somehow she felt more connected to James than she has felt to anyone else, whether be Mary and Marls, who are excellent friends anyone could ever hope for or be it the past version of Snape who was her friend. In both of these cases Lily had enjoyed their friendship but never was connected that much, as much as she was connected to James, whom she has come close with only this year when they had participated in the Duelling Chapionship, and a different side of James was revealed to her and surely the letters had helped.

Though after a hard thought she had decided that she need to talk about it to Mary or Marls, she would have preferred talking to James too, but it would felt odd.

Anyway she jumped out of her bed and rushed to the bathroom, after 30 minutes she sat in the kitchen, her parents were surely shocked that Lily has gotten up by herself and that too this early. 

At 8, the doorbell rang Lily runner to the door and opened it, she felt butterflies in her stomach, she hadn't expected the scene in front of her though had hoped for it. Standing in front of her was a boy with a messy-haired boy with a cute grin, he has a medium size box in his hand. Standing behind James was a man she recognized as Ben Potter.

  "Hello Lily" said James

"Hello james," she replied. " Hello Ben"

"How are you Lily?"  asked Ben.

"I am fine," said Lily

"Ask them to come in dear," said Rose, Richard behind her.

"No, thank you, I am off to work, I came here to drop James off and do some work I have here," said Ben. He then looked around to make sure no one was watching and then took out his wand and said a few complex spells on Lily's house. "And I am done. James I will pick you from here by 7." and then he left.

"Come inside" Lily said to James, who entered the house then greeted Lily's parents. "What was that Ben did?" she whispered to James while leading him to the kitchen.

"He was putting a protection on your house," James whispered and Lily nodded. She pointed at the chair for James to sit. "Um.... this is for you," he said handling her the box.

"What is it?" she asked curiously and then gasped on opening the box, inside it was a ginger kitten with green eyes. "She's cute." James smiled at her. Lily's parents looked at the kitten too."

"You liked it?" asked James.

"Of course, but James you don't had to buy me this." she said stroking the kitten.

"Actually I didn't brought it, there's a squib, Arabella Figg, she is a friend of my mum. We visited her a few days ago, she has a lot of cats, she sells them, and there was this kitten and I asked her if I could buy it, but she gifted it to me for free," James said.

"Oh thanks, James. Mum, can I keep it as it's not a owl to disturb Tuney and others?"

  "Of course, you can dear. Here James have some tea and cookies," offered Rose.

"So, where are others?" asked Lily, the kitten now sitting in her lap.

"Well Sirius left to get Marls and Remus and Peter to get Mary, we al will meet at Godric's Hollow by 11. I have to left early because Uncle Ben has work here too, so I came with him." replied James after complimenting about the cookies.