57. Thanatos' New Partner

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Lily sat with James in the great hall early as he explained to her what he was thinking about future plans. 

"But this will cost a good fortune to get all the supplies," she whispered to him. "And these muggle devices will not work here in the castle."

James rubbed his eyes after sliding a parchment to her, "Don't worry about that, we have a friend who has grown up in the muggle world, he knows how to get these things and I have already given money to him."

Lily looked at it, he has given 750 galleons to strengthen the communication, "Magical communication would have cost less."

"Magical objects can be intercepted by a strong wizard but they will ignore these muggle devices, I have used a pager before it belonged to Fabian Prewett,"

"Will the wizards know how to use it?"

James glanced around to make sure no one was there before speaking, "So, there's this muggleborn wizard whose brother is a muggle, he knows about technology quite a bit, and has agreed to help us, he works from his home, all the messages were handled by him, his brother will then pass the information to Ryan who will pass it to me after verifying the source."

"Are you paying them?" Lily asked.

James shook his head, "They are helping to finish the war, and due to their thinking that Thanatos is real, though I pay them a little to help them so as to prevent them from betraying. Finally some good use of Potter's fortune."

Lily noticed the tone of his voice and realized how much effort he was ready to put in just to end the war.

"This message I received today, three death eaters are thinking to attack a Muggle Mall tonight so as to threaten the wizarding families that live in there, those families have not chosen sides yet so they are trying to win them," James informed her.

"What do you think? Is it worth going?" 

James bit his lips and took out a map of the U.K., he placed his hands on Edinburgh, at Blackford, "Look here Lily, there's a hospital next to the mall, it can turn out to be fatal if the death eaters decided to have more fun."

"Shouldn't we tell Dumbledore or The Aurors?" 

"Dumbledore is very busy and I don't have the courage to explain to him how I got the information, these people Lily they trusted me, if I tell Dumbledore and these people find out then it will make it clear they are openly against Voldemort and thus will make them afraid."

Lily nodded, "Only we both will go then."

"You don't have to," said James. "I can handle it."

"Not again James, we have already gone over this," sighed Lily.

James gave her a side hug and kissed her temple, "I don't want you to get killed."

"I know," sighed Lily. "Let's begin the plan then, we have hours."

Soon the great hall filled with students as dinner time approached, James and Lily has taken the end of the table so they could talk with less interruption, and it was a relief as the students who sat next to them were all first years, lost in their worlds.

Snape saw the five Gryffindors entering the Great Hall but Potter and Lily were not with them, he looked all over the Gryffindor table and found them sitting on the edge, at the farthest end of the table. They were not looking happy and the look on Lily's face, the look she was giving to Potter told Snape that she was frustrated by him, irritated. James ran his hands through his hair looking as irritated and frustrated as her. They both glanced at a paper opened in front of them and then began talking and from here it was clear that they were having an argument, they were fighting in quiet voices. Snape's heart roared, his spirits rose, and he began praying that their argument expands, they fight more, and then break up.