68. NEWTs(Quidditch Finals)

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Lily woke up the next day and immediately lifted her hand to see if the ring was there or not, to see whether it was real or she was just dreaming.

The ring was there, simple yet beautiful just the way she liked, she couldn't believe it, she was engaged to James Potter, the idiot. She squeaked happily as she got up from her bed.

Mary, Marls and Hestia were all woken up shocked by this happy early morning, Lily.

"Girls! I am engaged," said Lily happily.

"We saw it," smiled Marls. "The whole school must have seen it, the fireworks were not quite."

"Merlin's pants! I didn't realise that. But still, see the ring," said Lily happily holding up her hand and all the girls rushed to see it.

Lily and James were grinning so much as they walked into the great hall that they were sure that they will have aches by night. The grin looked like was pasted on their faces by sticking charm.

"The most eligible bachelor after me has been taken! So, suck on it!" announced Sirius loudly as he followed the couple.

Several people wolf-whistled and both Lily and James turned red.

"So, you saw the house too?" asked Mary. "How was it?"

"Just amazing," replied Lily looking at James. Lily put her hands on her cheeks to push them back.

"What are you doing?" asked Sirius confused.

"She couldn't stop smiling and now her cheeks are all sore," laughed Marls.

"I am so so happy that I can't even describe it," said Lily happily raising her hands. 

"We understand your happiness Ms Evans but will recommend you to keep your voice down," smiled McGonagall from the staff table. It was now that Lily realised that she has spoken quite loudly than she intended. She blushed and muttered a sorry.

"She is soon to be Mrs Potter, Minnie," said Sirius loudly and Lily blushed further, she hid her face in James' shoulder, who put a hand around her shoulder and chuckled. 

"I am just as happy as you, if not, more," he told Lily.

"Well someone needs to teach me how to perform the cursed barrier spell," said Mary eyeing the two pairs cuddled together.

"I will help you," said Lily, "I used it one night around us to prevent the death eaters from coming near our hiding place."

"What's the difference between the powers of Manticore and Chimera? Can we use the same spell to fight them?" asked Peter while reading Mary's notes.

"I can explain it to you," offered Remus taking the notes from him.

The last night in forest helping James was a great night for Peter,he quite enjoyed it more than usual. Clara has found them and joined them halfway, the best thing for Peter was that she was talking with him instead of other girls who go for Sirius or Remus or James. Sirius and Remus had handled all things and that has given Peter space and time to talk with Clara. She was quite excited to hear about their animagus transfiguration, this was the only secret Peter was allowed to talk about but it has been good.

Lily's most of the day was spent with Mary and Marlene as they sat together on the grass to go over all the theories, important theories at least. She didn't need much practice as she has gotten enough experience for that. She looked over Mary's shoulder to find James answering to the questions Sirius was asking from past year's papers, his back was only facing her so he didn't noticed her.