15. The Attack

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Remus was ill, last night was full moon and he hadn't recovered yet. 

Lily and Remus had the last patrol tonight, but as Remus was in hospital, Lily was patrolling alone, she was nearly done with the patrol, just 15 minutes more left, she thought she was alone but she wasn't.

 James sat in his bed, his two other friends already asleep. He had the mao out, he was looking out for the four slytherins every time whenever he got time, he found the four of them, two were near the entrance while two were coming back from greenhouse again? why? Then he saw Lily alone, if they will find Lily alone it will not be a good thing.

He jumped to his feet, pulled his t-shirt, took the cloak and ran towards Lily as fast as he could. The four slytherins were now united and will be soon face to face with Lily.

Just 2 minutes left and then she could go to her bed, it was then that out of nowhere a hand covered her mouth and she found some blanket thing thrown over her , oh my god she thought someone was kidnapping her, she struggled against the hold and tried to shout but couldn't, she tried to reach for her wand but failed, she was going to struggle more  when a familiar voice whispered in her ear.

"Evans relax its me James" 

She stopped struggling and turned as the grip loosened on her. "What..?" she was about to shout when he closed her mouth and whispered

"Jeez woman quiet , you will wake the whole castle. The 4 7th year slytherins we heard on that day are coming in this direction, now keep quiet or we will be in trouble, okay?" he removed his hand from her mouth when she nodded.

At that moment the four Slytherins footsteps sounds came closer, James and Lily pressed against a wall to prevent running into them.

"Be careful with it. We will put it there and wait for right moment to strike"      

"Just hope we don't get caught."

"Dont worry patrol time is over and today I checked two 5th years were there, whom we could easily handled."

"So how long we have to wait?"

"We strike tomorrow. We have already given him 4 doses and this will be the fifth, after this in 24 hours it will start the effect and he will not able to do anything. Also, we will have help too. We will teach them all a lesson."

They all turned and Lily and James followed them quietly, the four slytherins reached outside of Patrick's office, broke into it and after 3 minutes came out and locked the office again.

"Let's go back before teachers come for final round, we cant risk being getting caught." And they all left.

James removed the cloak and put in his pocket, as realization hit him, his heart rate increased, oh they had got reached the wrong conclusion. His face turned pale, he should do something quick. He gasped.

"Potter what happened to you, you have gone all pale." asked Lily as she looked at his face.

"I just realized, they were talking about about Prof. Patrick and not Dumbledore." said James looking at Lily, Her face also gone white.

"Thats why Professor Patrick was looking ill these days, I thought it must be just old age."Lily realized.

"We should tell Dumbledore." said James.

"He isn't here for past three days, haven't you noticed his empty chair, and I think he will come after two days, he is a member of wizengamot and it is holding important meetings so he must be in London." said Lily.