71. The Mckinnons(Big Ben Attack)

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Once they were only given the task of emergency calls and raids, James and Lily finally decided to move to Godric's Hollow for some personal time. 

James and Lily apparated in front of Lily's house, which was locked by Petunia. Lily couldn't muster the force to go inside, she sat in the front and began sobbing. James sat beside her and pulled her into him. He spoke soothing words and rubbed her back while she cried.

A thin layer of dust has settled all over the surface of the house. James held Lily tightly as they moved up to her room, the sunlight was coming in dimly through the windows, it was left completely untouched.

"You remember when you came in this room last year for the first time and we began snogging and were about to walk in by mum," chuckled Lily. "You didn't dare to touch me for the whole day."

"What do you suppose a bloke to do if the girl's father has a rifle in the home," said James shaking his head.

"James, that was just a model to decorate, for Merlin's sake," laughed Lily sitting on the bed.

James sat in front of her on his knees, "And remember we had nicked a bottle of champagne from Petunia's wedding and had drank it here?"

"That was fun, mum had caught dad with a few bottles too and had scolded him, it was funny," laughed Lily, she then sighed with a smile, "Oh, I miss them."

"I know," Lily leaned her head and rested her forehead against his, her bright green eyes were mesmerizing. "I missed you."

"We were practically together all time," Lily snorted.

"That's why I missed you even more, not able to spend time like this with you," he smiled. Lily kissed him.

"I missed you too," she whispered. "Come on, we've never done it in this house and we haven't done it in two weeks."

"Here?" he asked with a cocky grin.

"What's wrong to have the best time of my life in my room? I probably won't return to this room again, and it's very close to my heart, so as a farewell, I want to leave with the best memory."

"Your wish, my command," James jumped on her and began kissing her neck, her lips, her jaws and every inch of her. Lily laughed at his excitement and joined him in the same excitement.

"The bed is a little dusty," James said when they were lying side by side on it, holding each other.

"Really? After an hour of rocking and spending time on this bed, now you're saying this," laughed Lily.

"Hey! I was just stating the facts," James complained.

"I still can't believe that we are getting married in just two weeks," squeaked Lily happily.

"If it was up to me, I would have eloped  with you now," 

"Now? After we wrestled in a dusty bed" said Lily with a lopsided grin.

"Yes," replied James boldly.

"Mr Potter, I dare you to marry me now, while I will try to stop you," she said in a husky voice running her fingers all over his torso and sucking his earlobe.

"I lost," said James immediately and pulled her in for another kiss, as she laughed at her victory.

After another thirty minutes, Lily's head was rested on his chest. "You know what, James? We were supposed to be at Godric's Hollow, unpacking by now and then had to join others for lunch."

"Damn it! It's already 11, it was your mistake, Evans, why do you have to be so hot?" said James sitting up.

"I could ask you the same question, Potter. Now, let's pack a few things which I need and go," said Lily as James chuckled.