18. Sirius' Prank Mistake

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The Marauders bar Remus were sitting in the common room waiting for night time to go and meet Remus the werewolf. To pass the time they decided to complete their notes and homeworld so that Remus can cover the portion that he missed today and probably will be missing tomorrow too.

"I think Poppy would have left Moony, I will go check on him before we all go there." Sirius informed the other two.

"Take some chocolates with you too, he will like to have some before the transformation begins,"  Peter told Sirius who grinned.

"Sure, I will just go to dorm, he must be having some in his table." Sirius said and rushed to their dorm before going out.

Sirius saw that moon wasn't full yet, they have some time, he moved out of the castle and saw a figure looking at the whooping willow, Sirius froze at the spot, this cant be good, the person must have seen Poppy take Remus in their. He saw the figure and return towards the castle, towards him but his face seemed to be towards the whooping willow. Sirius began to move towards the figure too, with panick, but when he saw who the person was his panic turned into anger alone.

Snape stopped when he saw Sirius in front of him.

"What are you doing here Snivellus? Didn't you got the message in Potions class not to poke your nose in other people's business ?" hissed Sirius.

"What is Lupin doing inside that Whomping Willow? I will tell everyone that your Lupin goes into that Willow every time he disappears." said Snape his lips twisting up when he saw Sirius' face going white.

A fear ran in Sirius, if Snape will tell everyone about Remus going into willow than many will try to find about Remus' disappearance. This thought made Sirius more anger.

"You will do no such thing or I will hex you so badly that no one will hear you, no one will want to come near you. You speak one word about it and you will pay for it." said Sirius each words coming out as venom.

"What will you do? You are alone, you think that Potter will be there for you? No. You have no one now. You are a worthless piece of shit whose Mother kicked him out."   

"Dont talk about that woman, she is no more my mother and I left them. And James will be always by my side."

"You are a Black, you are a disgrace to your family and to the whole wizarding community. I heard from your little brother that you were crying, he got upset but he is not foolish like you he knows what is right, he will be soon a death eater.  "

Sirius grabbed Snape by the collar "Dont talk about my brother, he knows what is right."

"Oh does he now? I heard that he will meet the Dark Lord soon and join him. Whereas you will rot when everyone will left you behind. Soon the Potters will realize their mistake and kick you out and then you will be on your knees licking everyone's shoes for mercy." snapped Snape.

Sirius' anger has reached beyond the peak, he was now shaking with anger, then an idea stuck his brain as he saw moonlight spreading around him. "You know what Snivellus ,I will tell you how to get beyond the Whomping Willow then you will find all your answers." He dropped Snape's collar.

Snape looked at him curiously. 

Sirius smiled at the look on Snape's face "You have to prod the knot on the tree trunk with a long stick and the tree will freeze, then you can find your answers inside it." and with that he tuned on his knees and began walking towards the castle.

"Why I should believe you?" asked Snape from behind.

"You wanted your answers I told you the way to get them, now its up to you to believe me and get your answers or just keep wondering what's inside the willow." and with that Sirius increased his pace leaving behind a bewildered Snape.