69. The Secrets of Dumbledore(eavesdropper)

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As the last week began at Hogwarts an odd feeling made its way to James, he felt like throwing up. The previous months have been spent with a lot of travels around the castle and from time to time to the forest with Hagrid.

For the first time in his life, James was scared as hell, he hasn't felt it while stealing The Diary and not when he has faced many death eaters and not even when he was about to be killed by Voldemort.

He was sitting on the ground alone, away from his friends, who were all playing some game, it was then that Lily came skipping up to him and his mood brightened.

"James! I need your help with Transfiguration," she said standing in front of him. "I have to give Slughorn a gift, I have the idea and the spell but I just wanted to make sure that he doesn't dies." She showed him a goldfish in a water pouch. "Will it die if I transfigure it to a lily petal and then give it to Slughorn and charm it to transfigure back into a fish only when he is seeing?"

"Nope, it'll not if you will place the water bubble charm on its face before," he replied. "Should I also give a gift to Minnie?"

"Of course, you should. I have already given everyone a gift, I just wanted this one to be special," she grinned.

"Will cat food be a good gift for Minnie?" Lily frowned and hit him.

"Don't be stupid. Do something nice, she likes you a lot," said Lily and went away.

He knocked on Minnie's door and felt an odd sensation, this time he has came here without any detention, without making any trouble, and with no complaints or head duties. He was here to give a farewell gift to his favourite teacher, a gift he hoped she would be proud of and not angry about, he has thought a lot about it and has decided on giving her two gifts.

He entered and saw her sitting and looking him suspiciously, Minnie as always.

"Are you alone and free, Minnie?" he asked and cursed at the double meaning as Minnie's eyes narrowed.

"Yes, Mr Potter. What do you want?"

"Well, I thought of giving you a parting gift," he grinned cheekily. "To make sure you don't forget me."

"You thought or Ms Evans thought it?" she was smiling now. Damn Lils.

"Yeah, same," he said sheepishly as Sirius and Peter came in and closed the office door. "Professor, what I am going to give you should not reach anyone else, only Dumbledore knows it. It has to do with Remus."

"If Albus knows, then Potter, you've my words. But why Mr. Lupin is not here?"

"He isn't part of it," grinned Sirius. 

James looked at his friends, and they both nodded. "Ready for our gift, Professor?" 

Before Minnie could say anything, there were three animals in her office, a stag, a dog and a rat.

They reappeared in normal form as Minnie looked at them with open mouth. "You three are Animagus?"

"Yes, we did it to help Remus. Professor, we aren't registered as it would have taken an extra year and we had to help Remus ASAP," explained James.

"That's amazing!" she exclaimed.

"We were able to do it only because of you, professor, we used your notes and books," James told her.

He was hoping praise but received a mother-like scolding first and then some praise, but he liked it, the motherly love was visible in her scolding too.

The second gift was a big sketch he has made, it was Minnie holding James' ears and scolding the four boys in the portrait, the beautiful part was that within five minutes the sketch transforms and shows the four boys growing up under Minnie's scolding, love and care from first day to present date, with dialogues in written cloud form like a comic.

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