"I have to go soon," she sighed, looking at the clock that hung in Cedric's wall. "Amara's always awake after nine."

"Then we have at least twenty minutes," he whispered back to her, moving down to kiss just above her breasts. "We can do a lot in twenty minutes, you know?"

"But I have to go home," she gasped when Cedric hit a spot that had her squirming under his touch. "They'll be waiting for me."

Cedric stopped his movements and pulled himself up to stare at her face, confusion snaking into his features. "You get to go home? How? The people that wanted to go home had to leave before the Yule Ball."

Rose pulled herself from under Cedric just a bit so she could raise her head; she settled herself on her arms. "My Aunt told us to go down to Hogsmeade and Apparate or use the floo, I'm the only one underage so she had to send a letter to McGonagall to allow me to leave the castle." 

"If I would've known we could do that I would've gone home," he answered, rolling away from her and laying on his back. "So, you should go?"

"Yeah," she breathed, pulling the duvet to cover her chest as she stood up from the bed. She looked around the floor, it was a mess of sheets, shoes, and clothes, but no white dress. "As soon as I find my dress."

Cedric chuckled, reaching up for his wand and levitating a Hufflepuff quidditch shirt and a pair of black trousers that were too big for her. He quickly transfigurated the trousers and set them on her hands. "Do you really want to walk around the castle in yesterday's dress?"

"Guess not," Rose sighed, glaring at Cedric to turn around, which he did, before dropping the duvet and slipping the clothes over her body. "I'll see you after the holidays, alright?"

Quickly, he raised from the bed and snatched her wrist, pulling her body close to his before diving down to kiss her lips. "I missed this," he murmured against her lips. "You; like this."

"We're not back together, remember?" She mumbled, standing on her tip toes before turning her head to give Cedric better access.

"I remember," he sighed, holding her waist steady. "I don't care."

She pulled back, blinking at him. "If I don't go now, I won't be leaving this room."

"Sounds good to me," Cedric shrugged, pecking her lips before opening the door for her. "Go; I'll be here when you come back."

She left with a grin, stopping at his small kitchen to pour two cups of tea in disposables cup to have as an excuse if Amara was up. She tiptoed her way into the castle, she didn't know how many turns she had taken last night to get there, but in the end she only walked a short way before meeting the Gryffindor stair case.

As she passed through the portrait, she discovered that the common area was bustling with activity, unlike to what she had expected. Most of the students were there, hungover and chattering or lounging with a books or scones. Hermione was cuddled up in a love seat, with a book on her lap, next to Harry and Ron, who were both fast asleep on the sofa in front of the fireplace. 

"Passed out from yesterday?" Rose asked as she approached, setting the tea in the small coffee table and fetching Harry's wand from his pocket to perform a Geminio charm on the cups.

"Harry said they were going to the party, reckon he only got in because – well – he's Harry Potter," Hermione hummed, accepting the tea Rose offered with a small smile before the red head levitated a kettle full of tea from the Gryffindor's kitchenette and filling the other three cups. "Ron was being an arse, so I decided to come back to the common room. They've been like this all night according to the twins."

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Where stories live. Discover now