Breaking Him (VI)

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He walked up to me and clasped his hand around my waist while my Dupatta unwrapped and fell by the fast pace walking. Fast for me, because I couldn't keep up with his long strides.

He pulled out a chair for me and settled me on the chair while he rounded my chair and sat on the one adjacent to mine. He jovially uncovered the bowls and wiggled his brows at the flavorsome aroma that filled the air.

"You know? I used to be my mom's personal assistant when she cooked in the kitchen. She always told me stuff like such a spice gives a savoury flavor, this ingredient makes a dish aromatic, and things like that. I used to excitedly throw in the constituents she'd hand me and she used to giggle at my behavior. So, that's why your husband is an awesome chef!" He spoke light-heartedly with a constant smile playing at his lips. My heart wrenched in my chest when I recalled that I'd messed with this happy memory of his and my eyes began stinging.

He brought a folded morsel to my mouth and I looked into his eyes to find any sign of a conspiracy he'd form against me. I only found warmth. I widened my watery mouth reluctantly and he sweetly put the bread inside. The food tasted stupendously amazing!

He killed Humayun. That should be enough for me to hate him. But....I also got my revenge. I don't understand what kind of predicament this is. Ya Allah, help me.

He cheerily chomped on his bite as well and cockily patted his shoulder for himself. "Raihaan Abdul Majeed, you're a heartbreaker, man. Fabulous job!"

I chuckled at this and he smiled widely, concentrating on building another morsel. He brought another one to my mouth and I couldn't take it anymore. Why is he being like this?

My lips began wobbling involuntarily and my tears detained my vision. Instantly, he set the food down and gave me a comfort in touch on the shoulder. "Janan, why're you crying, mio amore?"

I burst out into sobs that were previously well-restrained and he cupped my face immediately, wiping my tears. Why was he always wiping my tears?

"Raihaan, why're you doing all this? Please go away before I lose my resolve. I don't want to get attached t–to....why're you even here in the first place? I can stay without you, I will survive without anybody's support. I don't need you. D–divorce m–me." I whispered between my hiccups, clutching his Kurta and he looked down in shame. His jaw clenched but his eyes weren't hard. They were broken.

"Is it not enough that I've repented?" He weakly asked, still keeping his gaze lowered to the ground. My heart jumped a beat. He then lifted his eyes to firmly gaze into mine. This time, his look changed. The amber cast the broken crumbs aside and the icy blue solidified with determination.

"Janan, how I've travelled to Allah is between me and my Rabb. But, you...can you trust me and give me one chance to prove myself?" His voice was laced with so much firmness of purpose as he asked me that.

"Why should I give you a chance?" I found myself questioning him and he resolutely answered.

"Because you love me."

My heart went wild at that single statement if his. His eyes swirled with truth and faith when he conveyed the unbelievable fact. He brought my hand to the table and interlinked our fingers, sliding his lean, slender fingers into my faint and ghostly ones.

"Also because I am taking you back with me, anyways. You agree or not, you don't have an escape route." He shrugged nonchalantly, swishing a huge gulp of cold water from his glass. He winked at me sideways after that and my cheeks warmed up incompetently.

After he fed me completely, he lifted me up in his arms and walked leisurely towards the couch, staring into my eyes with his black hair falling over his forehead. I struggled to get out of his hold but his strong gaze shut me up.

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