" Everyone has been avoiding her " Heidi said.

" Who wouldn't want to?, She has the phoenix flame, no one's getting near to that, though how is she still attending school?, That was an attempted murder on me and Laurence, it should be a crime " I turn to her and she shrugs.

" Do I look like I know the answer? " She asked, I roll my eyes and close my book.

" This is ridiculous " I put away my stuff.

" Hey, where are you doing? " She asked.

" I'm going to look for Derek " I said.

" Can I come? " She asked.

" Nope "

" I'm coming "

I hang my bag on my shoulder and see her getting up as well.

" This doesn't concern you Heidi " I said and walk off the gazebo.

" Hey " she turns me around to her.

" What? " I asked.

" I'm not letting you do anything stupid " she said.

" What makes you think I'll do that? " I asked.

" After what you did to Syrene, how'd you think you ended up here in the first place? " She asked.

" I know you, Y/n "

I stand here dumbstruck on what to say next because she's not wrong, I did something horrible to Syrene that drove her to attempt to kill and now I'm sort of doing the same to Paige. I guess I'm letting my mind to get a hold of me again.

" I'm just going to ask a few questions to Derek, I'm not going to do anything " I said.

" Promise me " she said, I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

" Why do you care so much about her? " I asked.

I see the guilt in her face and she shrugs.

" I just don't want you to make the same mistake " she steps back, I squint my eyes at her.

Her body language tells me all and then I notice a familiar necklace around her neck, I then grab it, she looks down at it then back at me.

" This is Paige's " I said.

" I-. . . "

" Are you in love with her?! " I drop the pendant on her chest and she exhale in defeat.

" It's not what you think, it's a gift, she's more than she is and she-. . . " I stay silent to let her talk but seem like cat got her tongue.

" The stunt she pulled back at the village you knew " I said.

" I tried to stop her " she said.

" And look where that brought you! " I exclaim with anger.

" She's done with all that!, She and I are together!, There I said it! " She said.

" What else haven't you told me? " I asked.

" She just wanted to get over him and I didn't expect her to try and kill you both, but it's in the past, we mended and let bygones be bygones, she and I are better, she's not going to bother you or Laurence anymore " she said.

" Your unbelievable " I said then walk away.

" Wait! " I hear her shouts.

" Y/n!, It's the truth! "

~ Time Skip ~


" I'm going to kill her, can I kill her? " I turn my head to Lumina who's sitting on the floor with me.

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