[ Chapter 68 : Messy Beginning ]

Start from the beginning

I clench my hands into a fist and take deep breath before exhaling.

~ Time Skip ~

" It's a miracle your alive " Rowena hugs me and I hug her back.

" My mom got sick, so I'm sorry for not telling you " we pull apart and she scoffs.

" Don't apologize, you got a lot on your plate " she said.

" I do " I smile.

" By that I mean, what the hell is this? " She grabs my left wrist and lift it up to show my ring.

" Heheh " I nervously laugh and take her hand off and cover the ring on my finger.

" It was arranged by our parents " I said as I have my hands behind me.

" When was the ceremony?! " She has her hands on her hips.

" A little over half a month ago "

" And you didn't invite me?! "

" Shhh! " Esmus hushes and Rowena covers her mouth but turns to me with a glare.

" We didn't want to make it public until our graduation " I said, she sighs and rubs the bridge of her nose.

" Didn't even care to send a letter? " She asked, I snicker.

" I'm telling you now, happy? " I asked then push the cart down this arc of books.

" So it's official with you two? " She asked, I hum.

" Yup, there's no denying it now when your already engage, Laurence promise to always protect me and I'll do the same, I love him " I said.

" What are you planning after that? " She asked.

" Don't know, I haven't thought of that, but I'll think of something because Mrs. Zvahl and Derek already made arrangements in making a house for us " I said.

" Your own house? " She asked, I nodded then stop at a shelf.

I start putting the books in and Rowena helps.

" We had an idea on living with our own land, you know, out of trouble and drama " I said, she snickers.

" That's smart, should've thought of that, I'm stealing that idea now " she said, I chuckle.

" Feel free to " I said.

" By the way, Vaitla house has been a mess lately too but it could be worse " she said.

" What do you mean by that? " I asked.

" You didn't hear? " She asked.

" About what? " I asked.

" My aunt Talia died in her sleep "

My eyes widened and I turn to her in shock.

" Seriously? " I asked, she nods.

" Yeah, just last week, my mother couldn't even bother with the funeral arrangements and let your uncle take care of it, I guess that's what the bitch deserves for being well. .a bitch " she said as she keep putting the books in it's place.

" How did she die? " I asked and grab a book.

" My dad said it was something about a poison, she had it for months and never recover, the medication she took was the only thing that was suppressing it and extending her life " she said.

The poison she took to frame mom

" I guess this summer is really not for anyone this year " she said.

" And you say that why? " I asked.

" Well, to start of the year we were in war, then you went missing, loads of people died in the battle and took almost three months for the war to end, Lumina and I almost died " she said.

" And now your back, your mom fell ill, and Paige's mom died, school's back so, technically this summer is not really for anyone, it's so gloomy " she said.

" Your right about that " I said.

We continue to put the books in.

Rowena's right, it is very gloomy when we came to school, there was a lot of awkwardness between everyone and a lot of sadness in the atmosphere, just very messy emotions everywhere.

" How you've been by the way?, I trust that you and Lumina are more than friends now? " I asked, she chuckles.

" She asked me out a long time ago, your such a slowpoke " she said, I gasp and push her with my shoulder playfully.

" Now look who's not inviting people " I said.

" Hey, it was a private date, you don't need to be there " she said.

" Yes I do, Laurence and I can be the third wheels " I said.

" Bleh " she sticks her tongue out and I chuckle.

" Also how come your a member of the library now? " I asked.

" I applied it myself, I honestly did it just to be with Lumina " she said.

" Sounds about right " I said.

" But she ended up being in class " she sighs.

" Same with Laurence " I said.

" Y/n " I turn to my left where Elvenia is flying towards me.

" What is it? " I asked.

" There's a package for you, I already put it in your room " she said.

" A package? " I asked, she nods.

" It's from someone name Faris " she said, I chuckle.

" Okay, I'll check it out later, thank you " I said and she nods.

" Bye~ " she flies away and I continue to put the books in the shelf.

" I wonder who that is " Rowena sarcastically said and I snicker.

" Oh yeah, me too " I sarcastically said and we both ended up laughing quietly.

" Faris is my brother " I said.

" The one that abuses money? " She asked.

" Yes, it's probably something like food or books " I said.

" Why would he send food and books? " She asked.

" It's mostly chocolates and extra drawing books " I said.

" You really love art huh? " She asked.

" Hey, eating chocolates while drawing is like a comfort thing, you should try it sometimes " I said.

" When I have the time " she said.

" Can you believe it?, This is our last summer in this school " she said.

" Yes I can because I want to be out of this hell hole as soon as possible "

We laugh again and try to be quiet at the same time.

" You've only been here for a year, it should be four years " she said, I shrug.

" Just my luck "

Chocolate's here to be a friend.



~ Mariko

Artistic Love【Laurence X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now