S3 E6 pt2

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The next person up to battle is Tory. Kreese puts her against the new girl that walked in with Kyler. I'm super nervous for her right now. Tory is amazing but the new girl kind of looks like she sharpens her teeth so that she can bite people. I don't know what this girls original sport is but I feel like that'd be helpful to Tory to know. That way she could find her weakness.

Once the fight starts I know I was wrong to doubt her. Tory is kicking ass right now. She beat the other girl so fast. The fight ends when Tory sends a flying kick to the other girls mouth. She looks up at Tory in anger, "You chipped my tooth bitch."

Tory shrugs, "You needed braces anyways." That's my girl.

"Good job Nichols," Kreese says. The other girl stands back up, looking ready for another fight. Kreese looks at her, "You know the drill. Off the mat."

I notice Dean staring at me from his spot across the mat. He's not going to mess with Hawk, but Hawk also doesn't know what actually happened at the school fight. I'm not sure if I'm ready to fight back today, but I have a feeling that will be my test.

"Damn girl," Brucks annoying voice sounds again. There's no way Kreese is going to let him on the team. He never shuts up.

"You, big boy." Kreese addresses Brucks, it's his turn to fight. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to beat up Brucks. It's just that to beat him up would actually require touching him, I'd rather not.

Brucks gets all excited, "Oh yeah! All right, who's going down next?"

"He's mine," Hawks rough voice sounds from next to me. Oh, this will be good.

"Get him, Lip." Kyler's gonna regret that soon.

Hawk walks past Brucks, untying his gi as he goes. The class is quiet, anyone who's been here knows that Brucks is screwed. I can't see Hawk's face from here, he has his back to me.

"All right, let's see if I can fix that lip of yours then." You can visibly see Brucks tense up as Hawk takes off his shirt. His back tattoo is on full display for everyone to see, along with his muscles. He turns, revealing a new tattoo of the grim reaper on his chest. "Dude," Brucks sounds unsure now.

I see Kreese wave at the boy with the flags. He doesn't want there to be any calls made. This fight won't stop without blood.

Hawk gets lower, into a fighting stance. He smirks at Kreese who nods at him, giving him the okay. Hawk yells and sends a flying kick straight to Bruck's face. Tory and I share a look of astonishment at the amount of fury that Hawk is bringing to this fight. He's punching Brucks, then pulling him back up so that he can punch him again. Hawk is tossing him around like he weighs nothing. He sends an elbow to Bruck's nose when Brucks tries to defend himself. He starts kneeing him in the side and then quickly turns him and Hawk backs up.

Bruck's face is bleeding. He looks at Hawk in pain, "Wait. Stop." Hawk flips the both of them over and gets on top of Brucks.

"Finish him," Kreese calls out. Hawk starts brutally punching Brucks in the face. He's not letting up. His punches get harder and harder and it's actually kind of horrifying to watch.

Hawk starts screaming as the punches get worse. All of his pent up anger from the years of bullying is finally coming out. As much as this is scary to watch, I'm proud of him for finally getting his revenge.

Hawk slowly stands up, finally letting up on the punches. His hands are covered in blood. I can't look away. He spits on Bruck's motionless body and walks back to his spot. He walks up to Kyler first though, giving him a death glare to warn Kyler that he might be next. He steps into his spot and nods at me quickly before looking away. I can hear Brucks groaning from his spot on the floor.

"All right, class. With that, I think we only have one fight left." Kreese looks at me, "Adams. Take your pick."

Directly across from me on the mat is my enemy. I know that Kreese has picked up on the tension there, it will look weak if I don't pick him. "Dean."

"No," Dean backs up.

"Excuse me?"

"No," Dean keeps glancing at Hawk and I already know what's going on. He's too pussy now to want to fight me.

"Don't be a pussy, let's go." I move forward onto the mat. Dean starts running out the door. I look to Kreese for advice.

"Oh well, that's one person down easy." Kreese shrugs. "I think we can call it a day." Everyone turns to leave but I can't just go home. Every other student here had to prove themselves today except for me, it's going to make me look bad.

I run up to Kreese, "I didn't get to fight anyone yet."

"It's fine, child." Kreese looks sincere. "You were ready to fight today and you stood up to your enemy. It's not your fault he ran off before you could. You can prove yourself in other ways."

"What do you mean?" I'm confused by that last part.

He looks at me sternly, "Soon you're going to have to make a choice. All of your ex friends will come grovelling back to you eventually. You either fight them, and prove you're a true Cobra, or you'll be running out like Dean. Then you can secure your spot on the team."

"It's not secure?" I thought I held the most seniority.

Kreese shakes his head, "I want to see you fight for it."

I'll show him, that's fine. There's nothing coming between me and my dojo. I nod and bow, then start heading to the change room.

Hawk is standing there alone, his back turned to me. "I'm sorry you had to see that," he turns around. His expression is hard, "That was rough."

"That's an understatement," I raise my eyebrows at him. "It's okay."

He lifts an eyebrow to match mine. "It is?" I walk forward and pick up the bloody towel that he was using to wipe off his hands. Turning them over, I start to wipe the blood off. "Hey," he puts his hands over mine to pause me.

I look up at him, "You did what you had to. I can't judge you for that." I shrug, "I would've done the same if Dean hadn't ran out."

Hawk slightly smiles, "You really scared him off huh?"

My head shakes, "Nah. You did."

He shrinks back a bit, "I didn't mean to take anything away from you."

I giggle, "I'm not blaming you. Don't worry, I'll get him soon enough." I lean forward to kiss his cheek, "Movie night?"

Hawk wraps his hands around my waist and pulls me in for a long kiss. He smells like sweat and cologne, I could melt right here and now.

When he finally ends our kiss, he rests his forehead against mine. "I don't ever want to let you go."

"You're stuck with me forever, kid." I smile at him.

"Good." He leans in for another quick kiss before pulling away. "And no Twilight, I cannot deal with another Twilight marathon."

I throw a random towel off the bench at him. "You love those movies, stop lying to yourself."

"Definitely not," he pulls out his bag. "I'm gonna go take a shower, wanna come?" He smirks at me.

I tilt my head, pretending to think about it. "Hm, just this once."


"No!" I laugh and push him to the showers. "Go get clean, I can smell you from here."

"Yeah, yeah." He chuckles before calling over his shoulder, "I'll see you tonight babe."

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