S2 E3.5

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Moon texts me the next day that her and Demetri are going to Valley fest and she wants me to come with them. I have to go because Cobra Kai is gonna try and "steal the show" from Miyagi do and Miguel wants me there as support. I text her back and tell her that sounds great, I'll meet her there. Eli already asked me to go with him and I said I would, so I'll hangout with Moon while he's off doing his Cobra Kai thing. He knocks on my door around 2 so I go over and open it to see that he's holding a helmet in his hand.

I chuckle, "You needed a helmet for the car ride over here?"

He smirks and takes my hand, pulling me outside. "Look what I got today." I turn around to see a black motorcycle parked in front of me.

"No way!" I walk over to get a closer look, "This is so cool, you rode here?"

"Yepp, and now you get to ride it with me." He pulls a second helmet out of the compartment below the seat.

I back up a step, "Are you sure? I mean, you just got it. Don't you wanna practice a bit first?"

"Don't you trust me," he smirks at me. "It'll be fun, I promise. You're gonna love it."

I sigh with a smile on my face, "Alright, but I better get there in one piece."

Hawk kisses his teeth, "Can't promise that." Then he laughs, "There's nobody safer to ride with, you'll be fine."

"Okay..." I take the helmet from him and put it on my head. He helps with fastening the straps, then he gets on.

Hawk looks at me expectantly, "What are you waiting for?"

I shake my head, "Nothing." Then I swing my leg over the seat and sit down, pressing my chest to his back. Okay, this is nice. I could do this more often. I think that thought right before he presses on the gas and speeds out of my apartment complex. He starts fast and I cling to him, holding on a lot tighter than I originally had been. I dig my face into his shoulder, I can feel him laughing as I hold on.

We stop at a red light and he grabs my hand, "You doing okay back there?"

I lift my face, "Yeah, it's good." We start moving again and I bury my face into his neck again. He's a good driver though, the ride to Valley fest is smooth and I'm really enjoying myself. He finally stops and parks once we get there, I don't let go for a couple seconds.

Hawk turns in his seat to look at me, "Did you like it?" We both take our helmets off.

I laughed, "I really liked it." I lean closer, "I'll take any chance I can get to hold onto you." He leans in and presses his lips to mine while I wrap my arms around his waist. We sit like this for a moment until someone whistles, reminding us that we're in public.
Hawk swings his leg over and stands up, then lifts me off the motorcycle.

He puts our helmets in the compartment under the seat and takes my hand, "Let's go get some fair food."


I spend the next couple of hours with Hawk, loving every second of it. We go on a couple of rides, eat a lot of good food, and take multiple selfies. He buys me a little heart necklace from one of the stands, and it's so pretty. It's one of those lockets that you could put a small picture on the inside. I'll have to print out a picture of Hawk and I to put inside it. We're laughing, making jokes while we try the butter tarts. I have never tasted anything so good in my life.

"Hey babe, I've gotta go get ready for the Cobra Kai thing. I'll walk with you until we find Moon okay?" He takes hold of both my hands.

I reach up and kiss him quickly, "Of course. She texted me earlier to say they're near the stage."

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