Episode 8.5

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Miguel and I decide to go see a movie after our private practice with Johnny. We invite Hawk and Aisha. Aisha drives us all there in her car. The movie is kind of interesting, but Miguel decides he wants to talk instead. I don't mind. He has a lot on his mind, especially after everything Johnny just told us. Hawk holds my hand while we all talk, it's adorable.

Hawk starts tossing m&ms into some random girls popcorn, which I find weird, but whatever keeps him entertained I guess. Aisha turns to Miguel when she notices that he's gone quiet, "Hey, what's wrong?"

"I can't stop thinking about what sensei told me about Sam's dad," he replies.

I lean over Hawk a bit to be able to talk to Miguel, "To be fair, Johnny embellished that story a lot. When Daniel told me the same story, Johnny seemed like the bad guy." Then I leaned back.

"So Sensei and Sam's dad had some beef. What's that have to do with you?" Aisha says to Miguel.

He makes a face, "Do I have to spell it out for you? Sam's dad hates Cobra Kai, I'm a part of Cobra kai. So by the transitive property, Sam's dad is gonna hate me."

Hawk had stopped what he was doing to listen in on the conversation, "Jesus Christ, you're such a nerd."

Miguel defends himself, "I'm telling you, it's not just on my mind. Sam was acting weird the other day when her dad walked by."

"Listen," Aisha starts. "I've known Mr. Larusso since third grade. He's a really nice guy, you just have to talk to him."

Miguel scoffs, "I haven't even been invited over yet. She's probably too afraid to introduce me."

"Dude just go over there," Hawk says. "It's an alpha move." Then he tosses another m&m, but it misses and hits some guy in the head.

"Who in the hell did that?" The guy stands up as I slam my hand into Hawk's chest, pushing him back into his seat. We both stare at the screen trying not laugh.

"That was a close one," I say to him once the guy has sat back down.

He leans towards me, "Good thing you were here."

I giggle and lean away from him, "No kissing in the movie theatre."

"Common," he makes a sad face. I kiss his cheek quickly and then go back to watching the screen. I feel him grab my hand again. I could get used to this.


Miguel knocks on my door later that night. I was getting ready for bed so I was still holding my hairbrush when I opened the door, "What's up?"

Miguel pushes his way past me and into my apartment. What's up with guys and doing that? "Sam was having dinner with another guy."

I drop my hairbrush and gasp, "You're lying."

He shakes his head, "I'm not. I walked into her backyard and there they were, laughing like they had been married for fifty years."

"Did she see you?"


I nod my head, "Okay, I'm sure there's a very reasonable explanation for this. Maybe they're related."

Miguel spreads his arms out and exclaims, "I know what I saw! I missed my chance to talk to her family and now some other guy is gonna get with her."

I go to hug him but he backs up before I can, "Come on, Miguel. Sam's a good person, she wouldn't cheat on you."

"Technically we're not official yet."

I give him a sympathetic look, "Just wait a couple days. I'm sure she'll tell you what's going on."

"Yeah sure," Miguel nods before walking to my front door. "I'm gonna go, thanks for listening."

"Um, sure. You can stay for a bit if you want," I don't know if Miguel heard that last part because he was out the door really fast.

I rush to my room to call Sam, she picks up on the third ring. "Hey, did you have dinner with another guy tonight?"

"Woah," Sam giggles. "Way to get into things. I had a family dinner tonight."

Oh. Miguel didn't mention that her whole family was also there. "So he's your cousin?"


"The guy you were having dinner with."

Sam exhales, "Ohhh, you mean Robby. He works for my dad. That's why he was there, my dad invited him."

I laugh an I'm about to tell her about Miguel, but then realize that that would include telling her about how Miguel was snooping around her backyard. I can't tell her about that. So instead I say, "When are you gonna have Miguel over? I know you really like him. Don't you want your dad to meet him?"

She pauses for a minute, "You know how much my dad hates Cobra Kai. I'm just worried Miguel will mention Cobra Kai to him and my dad will flip."

"Just tell Miguel not to mention it," I say.

She scoffs, "That's rude though, he's so passionate about his karate. I'm just waiting until I figure out how to go about it. Wait," She sidetracks. "How did you find out I had dinner with another guy?" Crap.

Ummm, "Justin said he went by your house looking for me while I was at the theatres. He said when he peaked into your backyard he saw you eating dinner next to some guy with long hair." I hate that I have to lie to her, she's my best friend. But so is Miguel, so lying it is.

"That's not creepy at all," Sam says sarcastically. I knew she would find it creepy.

"Yeah... sorry about that."

Sam chuckles, "It's fine. He's ten, I guess that's what boys do at that age. But uh, please don't mention anything about Robby to Miguel."

That's sketchy. "How come?"

"I don't want him to worry," Sam sighs. "I haven't had him over yet and if he finds out that my dad is having other guys around for dinner, he might get upset."

"But your dad wasn't setting you up with Robby. Right?"

"No, of course not. But you know how guys are, they get all possessive."

I scoff, "I don't think Miguel is the possessive type."

"No, no I know. But still, please don't mention anything about Robby to Miguel. As my best friend?"

Sighing, I reply, "Okay, I won't tell him about Robby."

"Thank you." Sam goes quiet.

"So," I decide to change the topic. "How was your biology test?" We talk for awhile before hanging up the phone. I almost exposed Miguel during that call, this is gonna be tricky. I don't like being caught in the middle of their relationship, especially since right now I have to keep secrets for both of them. I'm just hoping this all works itself out.

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