S3 E1

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It's the second first day of school and I don't feel like going. Cobra Kai has made me stronger but I'm still freaked out about what happened with Dean, and what happened with Miguel. One of my best friends was kicked off of a balcony and onto a staircase. How am I supposed to get over that?

I text Sam that morning to ask if she's going to go to school. Miyagi do isn't my enemy. The guys that think they can hurt or take advantage of me, they're my enemies. Sam is still my friend and I want to help
her get through this. I know that she's hurting as bad as I am. She lets me know that she is going, so I'll see her there.

I don't bother getting dressed cute for today, just leggings and a purple tshirt. The bruise from where Dean punched me is still visible but I was able to cover most of it with makeup.

The bell rings as I walk through the metal detectors and up to Hawk. He's standing with Mitch near the entrance. Hawk smiles when he sees me and kisses my forehead, "Hey babe."

"Hey Hawk," I lean up and connect our lips for a moment, but not for long because Mitch is standing right here. I pull back and turn to him, "Hi Mitch."

Bert walks up to him and Hawk shakes his hand, "There's the man."

"This is the year," Hawk says to us. I smirk as he continues, "Day 1, round 2. Let's get it."

"Ooh," Mitch taps Hawk on the arm. "Freshmen babes 11 o'clock."

Hawk turns to the new girls, trying to show off how popular he's gotten recently. "Hey ladies," he says to them. "I know freshmen year can be kinda scary. So if anyone gives you any trouble, just come to me. I'm the guy-."

"Who wets the bed and got kicked into that trophy case?" One of the girls crosses her arms as she mocks him, "Yeah we know."

I burst out laughing at that so Hawk makes a face at me, "Stop."

"No no," I can barely get the words out because I'm laughing so hard. "Remember that if you ever consider cheating on me. I'm gonna remember that 'cause you just got wrecked."

"Haha, shut up." Hawk chuckles a bit before we catch sight of Demetri. He's walking towards us with Chris and Nate. Hawk scowls as he starts to walk up to them, the rest of us follow. I still don't like Demetri, I think he's a bitch for what he said about Hawk. And then to go and kick him into a trophy case? Demetri deserves everything that's coming to him.

I try to avoid looking at Chris and Nate. We don't talk anymore, but nothing bad happened between us. I just got kicked out of their dojo and decided to back up Hawk instead of them. It's their problem if they get mad about that.

They had their backs to us when we walked up to them but now they turn around and stop abruptly. We're blocking their path. Mitch makes eye contact with Chris, "Got something to say?"

"Yeah," Chris pulls out his textbook. "Check out my new Lit book. It's a lot of hard hitting shit in here, you know what I mean?" I don't know what he means. My guess is Chris attacked Mitch with a textbook at the school fight.

Hawk glares at Demetri, "All this security isn't enough to protect your scrawny ass."

"I don't need security," Demetri replies. I just narrow my eyes at him, not wanting to butt into their rivalry.

Counselor Blatt walks up to us, "Everything all right here?"

Demetri holds up his arms before wrapping them around Hawk and I, "Oh we're all buddies here. Isn't that right, guys?"

I discreetly dig my nails into his side as Hawk hits chest and answers, "Yeah."

"Don't you all have somewhere to be?" I don't know what her problem is, we were just talking. Hawk and I fling Demetri's arms off of our shoulders before walking away.

I see Sam walk through security so I tell Hawk I'll see him in class before running up to her. "Hey," I say somewhat awkwardly. I notice her looking at a group of girls that are giggling to themselves. "Don't worry about them, they're just bored. They'll move on."

Sam shakes her head, "I doubt it." We walk towards the stairs but she stops once her hand touches the handle. I lightly tap her shoulder and she gasps.

"It's just me," I say to her. "What's wrong?"

"I need to get out of here," she tells me before running out the doors. I throw my hands up as I watch her leave, there's no point going after her. I walk to first period alone.


I decide to visit Miguel after school. I walk over to the hospital after I drop Justin at home. The lady at the desk looks up as I walk up to her, "How can I help you?"

"I'm looking for Miguel Diaz. As far as I know, he's in a coma. Would you be able to tell me what room he's in?"

The lady gives me a sympathetic look, "It's only family allowed inside his room right now."

"Okay," I reply slowly. "Would I be able to stand outside of his room?"

This makes her smile, "I can't give you any information as of right now. Come back in a couple days and I'll give you the room number if anything changes."

I sigh, "I understand. Thanks anyways." I turn around to see Carmen standing behind me. She's been crying, she has her arms wrapped around herself. I stutter, "I just came to see how Miguel is doing. I didn't mean to intrude or anything I'm just worried about him." I don't know what reaction I'm going to get from her, seeing as I've been a part of Miyagi do and Cobra Kai.

Carmen hugs me. She cries as I rub her back for support. "Thank you for coming," she tell me. "I appreciate it and I know Miguel would too. I just want him to be okay."

I try not to cry, knowing that crying is not what she needs right now. I need to stay strong for her, "He's gonna be okay. He will get past this and come back stronger than before. I know it."

She nods and pulls back, wiping her tears away. "I'll let you know when he's awake. Thanks for coming."

That felt like she was dismissing me and I didn't want to overstep so I just nod before walking out. On my way out of the hospital I run into Johnny. He's probably the last person I want to see right now. "Hey!" he yells at me when he sees me.

I lean back as I sigh, glaring at him. "What do you want?"

He walks up to me, playing with his hands. "I didn't mean for any of this to happen."

"Well it did. And it happened because of you and your feud with Daniel."

Johnny nods, "I know. I know, I want to do better."

I step closer to him, "Oh yeah? You can start by getting the hell out of our lives. We have a new sensei, we don't need you."

"Kreese will stab you in the back," Johnny gives me a hard look. "You're gonna regret joining him."

I shake my head as I stare back at him, "You joined up with him. Then you kicked him out. Think of where we would all be if you had just stayed with him, I bet Miguel wouldn't be in the hospital right now."

"No, Miguel would be in jail. I stand by my decision to kick Kreese out of Cobra Kai. He's not good for any of you. Why do you like him so much all of a sudden?"

"I have been continuously getting beat up since I joined Cobra Kai. Since the very beginning, learning to fight from you has made no difference. I still needed Hawk to fight my battles for me. Kreese will teach me how to defend myself and actually win the fight. Something you could never do." I throw up my arm and exclaim, "Miguel only won the tournament because he was fighting dirty. Sometimes you need to fight dirty. Kreese understands that and he knows what it takes to come out on top. That's the kind of teaching that I want. None of your show mercy bullshit."

Johnny shakes his head, "This isn't you talking."

"That is such a cliche," I press my lips together. "When you're ready to get back to the real Cobra methods, you'll be welcomed back. Until then, don't talk to me." With that I turn my back on Johnny and walk out. There's no room for mercy in this world.

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