Episode 4

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"So that's it?" Demetri asks. "No more karate?" I'm sitting with the boys in the library. Apparently they ran into Kyler's group in the washroom and Miguel got beat up. His mom said he wasn't allowed to train anymore. This would be why none of them texted me last night.

Miguel looks defeated, "I guess so."

"It's probably for the best. It was starting to boost your confidence." Demetri literally what is that supposed to mean?

"Isn't that a good thing?" I ask.

"No, what has confidence ever gotten anybody except for a black eye and their backpack thrown in the trash?" He's such a pessimist.

Eli speaks up for the first time today, "Well, I thought it was kind of cool how you stood up to Kyler."

He jumps a little as Demetri exclaims, "Are you insane?" Demetri points his pencil at us, "Let me ask you, what is the best super power anyone could have?" Miguel says super strength at the same time as I say mind control. "Wrong, invisibility. A distant second would be super speed, to run away fast."

"Run away from who?" Kyler comes out of nowhere.

Miguel groans as Brucks opens his mouth, "Whom. It's the object of a preposition, remember English class."

"We were just leaving," Miguel says as we all start packing our stuff up.

Kyler grabs Eli by his neck, "Hey where are you going? Oh, look at this freak." He grabs Eli's chin to push his face up so that he can get a better look at Eli's lip. "Oh shit, what kind of girl would ever kiss this shit?"

"Back off Kyler," I say to him.

Kyler pushes Eli away as he walks up to me, "What are you doing here, Riley? Why are you hanging out with these losers? I know Dean has shown his interest in you multiple times and you keep blowing him off. You'd rather get with 'Rhea?"

"I will never get with Dean," I tell him.

Kyler nods, "Yeah he could do better than a hoe like you. I bet you've been passed around by all three of these guys."

Miguel stands up for me, "Leave her alone, Kyler."

"You haven't had enough 'Rhea?" Kyler pushes him and we run out of the library. Demetri apparently isn't fast enough as he walks out of the library a minute later with his backpack covered in yogurt.

"I hate those guys," Eli says softly.

I turn to him, "You shouldn't let them do that to you. You gotta fight back."

Eli shakes his head, "I can't fight."

"But you could," Miguel nudges Eli's arm. "I'm telling you guys, join my dojo and my sensei will make you all badass."

Eli and Demetri just walk away sadly without replying. Miguel turns to me, "Did you see Johnny at the dance?"

I nod, "Yeah, I talked to him just before I left."

"He really likes you, I'm sure he'd give you a good discount if you came back." Aha yeah I'm sure too.

I shrug, "Maybe, I'll see if Eli or Demetri joins."

Miguel sighs, "Okay. Let me know if you change your mind."


I try to text Yasmine and Moon that night, but no reply. When I text Sam she tells me that the two girls are ignoring her too, that's weird. Sam asks me to come over, apparently something happened with her and Kyler.

When I get to her house, Sam looks so pissed off. We go straight to her room. "What happened?" I ask.

She goes to plug in her phone, "Kyler and I got in a fight at the movie theatre."

"What did you two fight about?"

"You," Sam chuckles sarcastically.

My jaw drops, "Me?"

She shrugs, "Well, you and your friends. I overheard what happened in the library today, I told him that he shouldn't be talking to you guys like that. Then he tried to put his hands up my dress."

I gasp, "He didn't!"

"He did," Sam nods. "Then I pushed him off me and yelled at him in front of everyone, then I left."

"Have you talked to him since then?"

She shakes her head, "No, and Yas and Moon won't answer me either."

"I know they're not texting me back, maybe they're just being weird."

"Well, we're supposed to go to that concert this weekend so we can talk to them then."

I nod, "Yeah, that'll be good."

Sam walks over to sit next to me on the bed, "Want to watch a really sad romance movie?"

"Of course," I laugh. "Me and Earl and the dying girl?"

She cringes, "Nooo, I can't handle that one again."

Honestly, me neither. That movie was heartbreaking. "Okay, Fault in our Stars?"

Sam smiles, "That's the one." Then she turns to face me, "Are you dating any of those guys from the library?"

"No," I say confused. "Why do you ask?"

She shrugs, "Just something Kyler said. I didn't think you were but figured I should ask. You would tell me if you were right?"

I frown, "Are you talking about when he said that I've probably been passed around by all three of them?"

"No," Sam shakes her head. "Something else he said." I don't even want to know.

"Well I would tell you if I was dating someone," I tell her.


I sit back, happy to drop that conversation. "Crying time?"

"Popcorn time."

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