Episode 10.3

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I text Sam to ask if she's coming to the tournament, and she texts me back, "I would rather die." Okay then.

"Common, I want you here to see me win," I text her back.

"Ugh, no." I guess she's not coming. Miguel must have really pissed her off last night.

I turn my phone off as Hawk puts his hand on my arm, "We're getting ready to run in now."

We all stand in a line and I stand behind Hawk as we hear the announcer call out Cobra Kai, so we all go running in chanting, "Cobra Kai."

We stop once we get to where we're supposed to stand. I look at the audience to see the Larusso's sitting in the front row. Crap, Sam's parents don't know about me being in Cobra Kai.  I make eye contact with Daniel and he scowls at me. Then I make eye contact with Sam who gives me a supportive smile. I guess she changed her mind about coming.

"Whoo, go Riley! Go Hawk!" I look further up the stands to see Moon and Demetri cheering for us. Demetri cheers the loudest when he sees me looking at him. I smile, glad my friends are all here to support me.

The announcer continues, "And finally, fighting unaffiliated from North Hill, we have Mr. Robby Keene." Robby comes running out the back on his own. That's weird, if he wanted to fight in a karate tournament why not sign up with Daniel? Something must have happened with the two of them. I bet Daniel trained him though. "Get ready, it's karate time."


The first to fight from Cobra Kai is Miguel. The referee says they know the rules and to step on the mat.

"Wait, wait." Johnny pulls Miguel back before he can step up, and he whispers something to Miguel. He's facing a guy from some random dojo. When the ref calls out about to start the match, Miguel gets into the crane position. Daniel has told me this story a million times, so I know why Miguel is doing this.

Miguel kicks his opponent right in the face, earning him a point. I see Johnny smirking at Daniel, who looks pissed off. Miguel quickly wins the match and we cheer for him, patting him on the back when he comes back.

Robby wins all of his matches, and I notice Daniel is definitely the happiest person here every time Robby gets a point. Aisha is next, she goes up against some guy and Johnny has to remind her to attack. She quickly strikes, blocking his kick and tripping him so that he goes to the ground. He looks up right as Aisha grabs his shirt and punches him in the face. She wins her match, and we all scream for her. It's nice to see her so excited.

I'm fighting next, my opponent is some guy from Topanga Karate. I can hear Moon, Sam and Demetri screaming my name when the announcer says it's my time to fight.

Johnny walks over to me, "Okay, you've trained hard and you're ready for this. You're gonna do great. Kick his ass, Miss Adams."

Hawk puts his hand on my lower back and kisses my forehead quickly before giving me a light shove up to the mat. I turn to see him smirking at me before he yells out, "You got this, Ri! Kick his ass."

My opponent smiles at me, "Good luck."

"You too," I smile politely and get into a fighting position. The ref yells fight and my opponent runs at me. I duck out of the way and to the ground, there I fling out my leg and my opponent goes flying to the ground. Then I jump on him and punch his chest.

"Point," the ref says. "Fighting positions." We get back into our starting poses, my opponent looking a little more focused. He goes to punch me which I block, but I don't block his other fist in time and he punches me in the stomach. I step back a couple steps, holding my stomach in pain. He hits hard.

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